Well hello Girls and Boys
Week 21 and I have lost 4lb this week which takes me under the 100lb to lose mark
99lbs to lose doesn’t sound anywhere near as daunting as 217lb to lose, does it..lol. I still haven’t made a firm decision about my goal weight - 11st 7lb sounds good to me 12st sounds better to the few people I have broached the subject with. I’ve still got some way to go so I suppose I’ll decide nearer the time.
Sooooo.. there is no doubt that I’ll be left with loose skin, my boobs have finally cottoned on to the fact I’m losing weight and they have shrunk dramatically within the past month and they’re horrid. I’ve always had a decent pair, granted they were filled with blubber but at least they were full now they are flat and deflated but look okay..ish if I stuff them into in a bra
My arms aren’t much better although they are actually a nice shape I have bingo wings to die for. As for my stomach well it’s a damn sight flatter that’s for sure and at the moment it isn’t too tragic but I still have 7st to go so it will be by the end.
It is blooming rubbish how you trade one crappy body for another albeit slimmer crappy body :sigh: I will be having plastic surgery on my boobs and arms, I’m not even thinking about it that is definitely one decision I’ve already made – I better get saving furiously.
Well that's enough doom and gloom for one day I really am chuffed that I've dipped under the 100lb to lose mark. The sun is shining and I'm going to the Trafford Centre with my Daughter to do some shopping (no doubt it will be all about her
Week 21 and I have lost 4lb this week which takes me under the 100lb to lose mark
Sooooo.. there is no doubt that I’ll be left with loose skin, my boobs have finally cottoned on to the fact I’m losing weight and they have shrunk dramatically within the past month and they’re horrid. I’ve always had a decent pair, granted they were filled with blubber but at least they were full now they are flat and deflated but look okay..ish if I stuff them into in a bra
It is blooming rubbish how you trade one crappy body for another albeit slimmer crappy body :sigh: I will be having plastic surgery on my boobs and arms, I’m not even thinking about it that is definitely one decision I’ve already made – I better get saving furiously.
Well that's enough doom and gloom for one day I really am chuffed that I've dipped under the 100lb to lose mark. The sun is shining and I'm going to the Trafford Centre with my Daughter to do some shopping (no doubt it will be all about her