I've joined....

(if the size 10s are "old", they'll be far smaller than size 10s these days...!!!)

Hello there - and I think everyone's spot on with their comments. Vicky and I are the same height, for instance, but have totally different bone structures, and my dieting past will never enable me to get where she can and WILL... children etc also are a major factor and of course one rarely gets to where one was before having them... or, rather, one can GET there, but not stay there.

I totally ignored the Dukan true weight idea, and still do to some extent where I'm concerned because I'm still not quite ready to accept it... (despite over 2 years on and off this diet, and weighing more now that at the outset - but that's a different story, and nothing the diet can be blamed for!)

Amazingly enough, if you stick to this diet to the letter, in Cruise phase we can get to quite low weights for our diet profiles. And perhaps some people, prepared to put in the necessary work (exercise) and attention (healthy diet forever) can manage to keep their weight that low for a sustainable period...

I am becoming more acceptant of my limits... and that, while I know that Vicky will reach a more socially acceptable weight for our respective heights than I will, with my diet profile, I must accept the inevitable.

Does anyone know of another calculator which takes other factors into consideration as the Dukan one does? BMI is useless.
oooh Lisa - you're definitely not being picked on... we tend to have deep discussions on everyone's thread (and, while we've not discussed "number twos" on yours, you've not lived!!)...

I think often discussing these subjects helps us all... most of us would love to be a size 10 (as they used to be), but realistically most of us won't ever get there or stay there... but that's fine too!

I have excess skin and unfortunately mine won't come off with exercise. Are you sure yours won't?
Even when 9 months pregnant with my second I had a chicken neck under my bump!
I can nearly roll it up iykwim, it's disgusting and even in the height of summer I have to wear tight, thick suck me in pants. I'm pretty sure it's here to stay
thanks Jo for your confidence in me.
I do totally accept that as we age our body changes so im not being unrealistic with my weight. I have thrown out my size 10 trousers (charity bag) as im happy with my size 12s.

I am looking for another weigh calculator (Jo not the french diet one some of the old french dukanners are doing that one is ridiculous!) but one i have gone onto says im underweight! Woop!
will report back x
hmm... need a tape measure... and gosh they want us thin!!
do they? i havent got tape measure with me and a ruler doesnt work ;)
p.s. ruler does work and go to the one that says wrist size :D
It's says my ideal weight is only 4 pounds more than what I have it as!
I did! That's not really the sort of calculator we need though - leastwise, not those of us who've had kids, weighed two tonne in the past, bla bla... that's what I like about the Dukan one. He takes things into account which count as well as one's frame (which all calculators do anyone by showing an ideal weight range)
my wrist measures 16cm... now what?
dont listen to ideal weights. and all that, there was life before the 'atkins / dukan' true weight calculator, if you have been there before you can do it again :) i was 15stone 12lbs after my first daughter and within 9 months i was 9st 2 and looked fab, my belly shrunk (i still had excess skin) but the pouch type thing went away and it will and can, its amazing how you're body adapts, a 'healthy' BMI is anything between 20 and 25 and 9st is most definately not too low, but then again im only going on that as you said you've been small before, kids do change you're body and so does age, but sometimes i feel like thats a bit of an excuse!
if you feel when u get to 10 stone that you are happy, just stop, a dr is most certainly not going to be unhappy with you if you had a bmi over 20 and below 25, i've never heard one say... oh you're bmi needs to be a bit higher go away and put on a stone' you'd be considered as healthy.
everyone is different but you yourself know how you're own body works :) xxx
god post blondie x
Thanks Blondie! Lovely words!!
phew i thought i might have provoked something there (unintentionally) i re read and thought it sounded a little blunt, i think you look like you're in a similar boat to me thats all, and its nice to know you CAN do it, and you know why you can do it, cos you've been there before!

my tummys never gonna be flat again but when i am slim its not FAT any more, its just got a little loser skin that hangs slightly, but id rather have this than a big fat stretched belly like i have at the moment, i even show it off with a bikini when im slim cos in a funny way im quite proud of it, my treasures came out of there.

you're tummy will change again, it might not be how it was pre kids, but that doesnt mean it cant be small and slim - if you work at it, you'll get there, thats the hard bit :)
perhaps that's the case when you get to 16 stone with pregnancy...

but not when you get there with food methinks...

anyway, I disagree totally with your post... and I've seen low carbers almost anorexic, ending up at overly low weights "frightened" to reintroduce carbs properly, which isn't good. Even "normal" dieters are scared to step onto phase 3 often... and will put off the inevitable for as long as possible... AND freak out for each gramme regained!

Also, with eating disorders (which many "heavy" people have), aiming for an overly low weight can lead to real problems... cos, as we all know, there are similarities between one disorder and another...

Great to discuss though - and we don't have to agree on everything all the time!
i was 13stone when i got pregnant the first time, was overweight all my life, when i lost weight after my first this was the first time in my life, the lowest id ever been was 11st through silly diets when i was at school! i understand people would disagree completely, iv seen people get to silly weights on all kinds of diets not just low carbs i wasnt trying to disput the diet or anything, iv seen people lose weight hardly eating frightened to reintroduce calories... so i suppose it could work on all diets that way...

but i dont think 9stone something is terribly underweight, its so nice to hear different views on things though, suppose thats what makes life interesting :)
We all have our demons and mine is always going to be my relationship with food.
I need restrictions as I am completely unable to do what many people do and just eat a healthy balanced diet.

I probably do have a bit of a distorted body image but I think many girls of my age do....I look at the thin celebs and can't help wanting to be like them....the best I can do is struggle with my demons every day. Being 9 stone allows me a certain amount of peace...it's a weight I can stop letting how fat I am ruin my every thought. Sustainable or not it gives me something to focus on.

I probably sound a bit weird but I'm not really!