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Hi Lisa, sorry for my delay in posting on here but im having a slow time in reading them all.
Im a bit concerned that you state you have a problem woth food (as we all do), and you got to your target weight but have failed to keep it off. I think bmi's are rubbish and truly believe that your true weight is where you can easily maintain, not what you were, what dukan says you should be or anyone else. I dont think it sounded like anyone was picking on you they are just giving you sound advice from personal experiences. We have been doing this for a long time and are begining to learn well so we can advise people like yourself. Please do not forget that your body will change shape with pregnancies, age, and weight gain and does not always go beck to what we want it to. For example, i got to mt 1st goal (and last for a while) of 10.7 and all the clothes that fitted me when i was this weight before didnt fit me like they used to. I think you need to be more open minded and maybe set yourself a smaller goal and see if you can maintain there then go to drop again.
great post Cheryl
Thanks Cheryl.
The reason I'm back to square 1 is because I got pregnant again.
When I'm in charge of the shopping and cooking it's fine- I just don't buy loads of rubbish and tend to stick to chicken and veg for dinners

I intend to go back to slimming world when I am close to my target, I find the weekly weigh in quite good motivation.
Well we have a weekly wi on here and whats more we follow your menus so what more or better motivation can you ask for.................that and its all free (until we start charging!)
Oh I know, its great on here!! The slimming world weigh in's have been part of my life since 2006 and once I am at target they will be free to go to...long term i need something to keep me on track and I quite enjoy Eileen (the lady who does the weighing) whispering my loss or gain to me!

RIGHT, now I want to concentrate on the diet and not about my target.....I'm still trying to get my head round it all.

As I am already in ketosis do you think I will need to do the attack phase longer in order to try and get some benefit from it? I was up a good half a pound this morning after only having 1 lipotrim shake, some ham and my chicken dinner yesterday??!!
I'm sorry if you thought people were picking on you last night, that certainly wasn't my intention. However, that said, I do have to question from your posts whether Dukan is the right diet for you. Firstly the reason we go on the true weight is because its a realistic goal. Yes you can diet and get below that but for this diet its about getting to the weight that is realistic for your age and history. Perhaps once you have mainatined at that weight you can think about going for a lower weight but its more important to maintain rather than set an unrealistic goal that you can't maintain and subsequently put weight back on.

Secondly you say you want to go back to SW, this to me suggests Dukan is not for you. Its a long term diet that is about following it through all the stages to hopefully maintain. As it says clearly in the book you follow it for the rest of your life. If you are looking for a quick fix to boost your weightloss before returning to SW then Dukan is probably not it. I'm sorry if I've read that wrong and you just want to do the SW WIs but if you are planning to switch back then you're not treating Dukan for what it is; a lifestyle not just a diet.

Can I ask why you decided to stop doing sw? (sorry if you've posted that already) but if it motivates you why the change?

Finally you say you want to get back into your size 10s and I'm not going to knock you for that but its important to remember that as we age our bodies naturally change shape and whereas before size 10 was easily achievable it may not be now and thats something we all have to accept. If size 10 is healthy and achievable for you then go for it but remember that setting a realistic goal is one of the easiest ways to avoid failure when dieting.

BTW on the BMI thing I know 18.5 is "healthy" but in the words of my wii fit "research has shown those with a BMI of 22 are least likely to get sick" which I can totally believe. Afterall we know how unreliable BMI is so the midpoint of healthy is probably the best place to be for the average person.
Sorry, I should explain.... I dont intend on going to SW to follow the diet, its just my mum goes and I know alot of people there so its a bit of a social thing where you get on the scales.

As for whether the diet is for me........I have always been an advocate of low carb snce I sat in Borders back in 2001 and read the Atkins book near enough cover to cover (when I should have been at uni)
I then went on to lose over 3 stone without so much as reading another book or anything. Meeting hubby to be (and all the dates etc that followed) stopped me low carbing for a while.
When I was on SW I ALWAYS did the red plan which is very very similar to Dukan PV days, except you are allowed unlimied veg on SW.

If I dont get on with this then I will try something else, but I would like to try
Ok thats fair enough, just from your posts it sounded like you were going to go back to the sw plan. If you go for the social side thats cool.
Why wait til you get to goal then? I used ww to wi weekly but was doing my own low fat low carb diet. Im sorry but i still dont quite get it.
As for your gain, you had a lipo shake, they are no nos. No shakes allowed!
I agree with everything said, so won't go on any further... except to say that, when you mentioned going to SW once you near your target weight, I too was afraid that you weren't intending to continue with phase 3 of Dukan which is crucial to "consolidating" your weight loss. Moving to SW as you near your target would guarantee your regaining all... the two diets are NOT compatible in the slightest! In fact are opposite ends of the spectrum!

So if for just weigh ins, no problem, but I can't emphasise enough to EVERYONE (myself included) how important phase 3 is. I'd even suggest DOUBLING the time Dukan recommends in Consolidation Phase!
Yes how many carbs in the shakes??? my friend is doing dukan but going to ww weigh ins :D
I'd even suggest DOUBLING the time Dukan recommends in Consolidation Phase!
thats what im going to do x
And please do not try to combine the 2. Dukan needs to be followed to the letter for it to work. I understand about red days but thats sw not dukan
cheryl no not attack for a very long time. 5 days max. and remember when you ready to lose it (how long after baby born) im coming down to do boot camp!
I was joking babe. I know i wont even be able to do it for a while due to breast feeding???? You'd better get your backside down here for my boot camp. Remember 4mths to get back to where i am now! oh ok a little less!
How much weight did you gain with your first Cheryl? (Over here, they don't let you gain much anyway!!)
what do you mean they dont let you???? who doesnt????

so when cheryl?
The doctors weigh you regularly, lecture you if you've gained too much (in their book), and one of my (French) friends was SENT to a nutritionist because it was thought she'd gained too much weight too early!!

One of my (American) friends told her doctor that she was American, she was having an American pregnancy, which would result in an American sized baby and to bog off!