lol ali not in one day! that was my loss for the week lol!!! Buttons at least you know you will def have your stone next week =D
Don't be sorry, there's nothing to be sorry for lol! Although I'm sure there are days where we have lost that much in a day.... Just the next few days tend to be a STS lol!
Couldn't stay off them today :-( Was worried about my stressful day, small cheat and accidental diet coke instead of zero! Thankfully still in ketosis and scales have gone down by a few ounces. So all good :) (going to try and stay off them the rest of the week tho!)
Lol I'm staying away because I've started exercising and I really don't wanna see the scales go up so I'm staying away lol
I've relapsed and got on the scales both yesterday and today. I know I shouldn't have because yes it happened again, didn't move today and only moved 0.2lb yesterday so now I'm frowning. I almost feel like chucking them out but haven't the will power! But I am going to put them out of reach til next Tuesday!
Just gave them to my daughter and told her to hide them and not give them back til next Tuesday morning!!!
I can't stop myself from weighing every day, it's like an addiction! What I have done though is switch them to only show stones and pounds as I used to drive myself nuts getting annoyed if I put on a couple of ounces. Now I don't get movement every day but when it does move its a whole pound which makes me feel a lot better. 12'12 as of this morning so 4lbs since Saturday. Not brilliant for week 1 but since I lost 5 last week when I was sick and the false start I would have been happy with 3lb for the whole week. Keeping my fingers crossed for an extra lb on Saturday for "official" weigh in and will try not to be gutted if it stays same as today
I know what you mean. I'm gutted I've only lost 3oz since Tuesday morning :-( But that's exactly why I need to put them away or I will get obsessed and miserable! I just bloody hope more comes off at the weekly weigh-in!
am i gonna have to make a challenge with you again???? lol
I've posted about this somewhere else recently, but I can't remember where, so please forgive me for repeating myself. :D I'm only weighing myself once every four weeks because after years of dieting I know that I find slow patches or set-backs incredibly demoralising and obsession-inducing, making dieting harder and sometimes causing me to give up completely.

I have committed to doing the Exante Total Solution for 28 days, come hell or high water, so it doesn't really matter what interim weight losses or fluctuations happen before then, because I will still be following the diet. Good, bad or indifferent, I can't influence the results beyond following the plan to the letter. And I have promised myself to do that anyway. So I don't really gain anything by checking my weight in the meantime, other than satisfying my curiosity. Yes, I'll be pleased if it is going well, but I'll be devastated if it isn't. On balance, I'd rather not know, and just wait for the surprise at the end.

So I'm saving my weigh-in for Day 26, in time to re-order from Exante if I want to continue for another month on the same basis. (This will be exactly four weeks after my first weigh-in, which I dashed off to do when they asked me my weight during the checkout process when I was buying my first month's food packs.)
Wish I had an ounce of your will power bijou!
That's a really good way to look at it bijou!

I am guilty of daily weighing but im lucky I don't let the scales inbetween weigh ins get me down (just makes me rack my memory to try and remember when I last did a number 2) lol
Great. Not 'been' in three days. Finally catches up with me and I've had my daughter hide the scales! Lol.
I got the extra lb Kerry!!! 10 lbs total for week 1 and last weeks illness :)
I was chuffed to bits :) fingers crossed for the stone next week!
I couldn't weigh myself if I wanted to, my daughter refuses to tell me where she hid the scales! Lol. But I feel so fat :-( Ever thought, 'I'm never gonna be thin so I may as well eat?!' Feel like that... but I'm not going to give in, this has GOT to work.