Riiiight then, ok, after 5 days hiatus, here I am back posting again!
Well, my last exam was on Friday and that officially marked the end of any Dukan discipline! Not that I'm proud of it or anything, obviously not, but I'm not wholly remorseful either

This weekend was always going to be a "blow-out" weekend - after four years of studies at Cambridge University, a celebration was definitely in order! I also had my best friend come and visit me, so obviously that meant a lot of eating out and, yes, drinking!
I'm not even going to go into the details of how non-Dukan this weekend has been!
BUT, the weekend has passed, it's out of my system, and I'm certainly up to restarting. According to the scales I've only actually gone up 2lbs which is less than I was expecting, but I know it's going to take some serious hard work from me to steer myself back in the right direction (not mentally/emotionally though, my head is well and truly in place!).
I have a fridge fully stocked with protein, not a sinful food in sight, and a whole stack of green tea teabags. And of course a load of oatbran, water, and outside spaces to explore when walking!
So there we go, that's my confession. I know it was wrong, but the opportunity that this weekend offered really was too much to turn down, being the weekend after me and all my friends finished our exams and could finally let ourselves go a bit! But I've reeled myself back in now though!!
I'll edit my stats too to reflect the results of all that sinful activity!