Jack's amazing diary of interest!

Wow, haven't posted on here for a while! Must have been a busy week!

Nor have I weighed myself for a while actually either...! Hasn't been the strictest of weeks, but I'll see what happens in a couple of days. I've just been shopping so am now feeling firmly in the dukan mood!

Let's hope it lasts :)
Ahh it's so great to be motivated again! How can we not be in this great weather?

One thing I forgot to consider though - I put on some shorts this afternoon, and they're FAR too big for me! Which makes sense seeing as they were slightly big to begin with and I haven't worn them for ages, so was a good boost!

I'm quite glad I haven't wavered today though - it's been such a long day and normally that's when I just think "Oh stuff it, let's pig out!". But no, stayed focused! I was down in London today as well (boiling!) for an interview with a law firm right in the City, so seeing all the superfit young city workers was a bit of added motivation!

I think an early night will be in order tonight....!

[oh and p.s., just to avoid confusion, it was a degree in modern languages that I've been studying, not law! Got my results on Saturday, 2.i :) Although seeing the breakdown of marks this afternoon when I got back to Cambridge was a bit of a shock, oops, but at least it all averaged out as a decent grade in the end!]
Great, well done Jack, that's fantastic to be through and with a good grade too. What are your next plans on the academic/life front?
Great, well done Jack, that's fantastic to be through and with a good grade too. What are your next plans on the academic/life front?

I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of places, but it's definitely going to be something job-related! I feel the need to enter the "real world"!


A couple of hiccups today. I was in court all day, giving evidence (long story short, phone stolen, recovered only an hour or so later, turned out to be part of a larger organised gang blablabla) so it ended up being an all-day thing which meant I didn't really have much time to plan anything that suitable for lunch, so had to grab a wrap from Eat in the end - it really was the best thing out of everything there to get! But if I keep the plan outside of that one wrap then I don't think it'll do tooo much harm.

Anyway, I'm glad I had it as I needed something to give me the energy to carry on all afternoon - I never realised how involved court trials are! I was the only one of the two victim witnesses who came to the court, but there was a lot of CCTV and police testimony to go through - was very bizarre seeing myself on camera, clear as day! But they both got guilty verdicts in the end, woo! Success!

And another success - went to M&S afterwards and won a box of chocolates worth £9! Well, paid 50p to breast cancer charity to take part in a lucky dip draw thingumy. Obviously I wont EAT the chocolates, but they'll make a nice present to take home when I leave after graduation on Thursday.
........*blatantly gonna end up having some though....* ;)