Jaly's Diary of a Snackaholic! 26pp/day :)

Well great day as in the food not the pointing lol hmmmm!!! Its a tough one, What about having like a few extra roasties when you have them? Orrrr choose more snacks that have higher points? Like that ice pop was 0pp for your snack, so thats a missed opportunity for points? I can eat 5 ice pops and it feels like ive not eaten as its just water haha xxx
Well great day as in the food not the pointing lol hmmmm!!! Its a tough one, What about having like a few extra roasties when you have them? Orrrr choose more snacks that have higher points? Like that ice pop was 0pp for your snack, so thats a missed opportunity for points? I can eat 5 ice pops and it feels like ive not eaten as its just water haha xxx

Yeah, I think I might just up my dailies again I think because I always try to eat at least my dailies and if that's a higher total then i'll be eating more of my weeklies even when i'm not using my 'wp' if that makes sense! That being said, a lot of my friends are still a LOT thinner than I am atm ^^
Apple Pie ... yummmmm ... I can almost smell it!

Seriously not going to nag you about not eating enough, because I know you're trying, but a really simple thought just occurred to me... what would you have been eating before WW? Perhaps if you sit down and write out a typical pre-WW menu and compare it to now, you may be able to find a middle ground (without going completely back to what you were eating before of course). xxx
Hehe! I think I need to be nagged to be honest! x But that isn't a bad plan, I think I eat the same amount of food, hence why I feel full, but just healthier options! x For example, pre-ww, when my grandad's would've brought 2 desserts etc, i would've happily eaten both without giving it a second thought whereas now I just had one and made sure I stuck to a sensible portion size - I can remember eating 3 multipack wispa bars in one evening once, eeek!
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Yeah, I think I might just up my dailies again I think because I always try to eat at least my dailies and if that's a higher total then i'll be eating more of my weeklies even when i'm not using my 'wp' if that makes sense! That being said, a lot of my friends are still a LOT thinner than I am atm ^^

Don't 'Go Compare' to your friends though - I work in a high school and a lot of the girls are very (too) thin, due to peer pressure, and I see them agonising about how 'fat' they are, just because their friend weighs 2lbs less than they do. Trying not to sound patronising, but you are in a peer group where that sort of pressure is all around. I'm sure you are far too sensible to be swayed by that, but you look great in that recent photo you posted, so stay like that - a really lovely tiny teen! Be healthy, not skinny!
Yeah forget what your friends look like, as said above u look great now and u dont want to lose anymore. I mean its hard to add extra points without eating junk, all i can suggest is have snacks with more points in then 0pp lol and maybe add the extra 2 potatoes here or an extra slice of toast there or something!? I shall be keeping a close eye now ;) gonna have a good think!! xxx
Jaly said:
Thank you! :) Got a nice chilled out day, NCS meeting at 12, probably go and hand out some flyers for the charity talent show we've organised for tomorrow morning :)

Sounds good Hun, hope you are ok xx
Think I have reverse portion distortion! I measured what I thought was 125g of chips, but when I weighed them with the measuring scale I borrowed from my Grandad yesterday they turned out to be only 50g! Turns out I might be eating even less than I thought I was! Woopsie! x Had some quark mousse to get my protein fix but it's soooo filling! Absolutely stuffed at only 17points!
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Jaly said:
Attempted to go out for a jog but my confidence was knocked by some girl shouting "run fatty run!" at me.. I only managed about a minute or so of jogging and I just felt so self-conscious :( ironic thing is, she was about three times the size of me and had a mcdonalds milkshake in her hand!

Aww what a nasty person. I kno it's hard but pls don't take any notice hun. Ur far from fat n even if u were, at least yer doing something about it
What an arse! Jaly you are tiny and fitting in kids clothes!! As you say she's a fatty and just jealous. X
She obviously needs to go to specsavers? Cos u are farrrrrr from a fatty!! Jealousy hun that's all it is xxx

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Forced myself to eat loads this evening despite not being hungry, managed 28pp/32pp (1245cal) - still got 48 weeklies for tomorrow/Sun though :/

Breakfast: 3pp (168cal - really wasn't hungry at all) - 1 slice wholewheat toast with margarine (3), apple (0)

Morning: 1pp (47cal) Yoghurt (1)

Lunch: 5pp (189cal) (was out and just had to grab something to eat or I would've eaten more!) - 2 granola bars (5)

Afternoon: 0pp (50cal) Orange

Dinner: 6pp (251cal) 2 sausages (4) - inspired by Daisy :p, green beans (0), chips (2) - didn't realise just how small my portions of chips are, will have more next time!

Dessert: 5pp (173cal) Quark mousse (2), ice cream bubble ball (3)

Treats: 1pp (35cal) 3 chewits (1)

Supper: 7pp (331cal) (really wasn't hungry but I'm not gonna let myself end a day on less than 1200 calories tbh!!) crackers with cream cheese (4), tinned pear (drained and rinsed) (0), dried fruit/nuts (3)

Drinks: 0pp (1cal) Herbal tea (0), water (0)

Exercise: 5-10mins various calisthenics, walking into town, harassing people with flyers :p, walk to and from hospital to take step-bro for optician's appt :) (about 2-3hrs in total) (everything went well)
Well done chick for trying to eat more :) xxx

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Well done chick for trying to eat more :) xxx

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Thanks! ;) I don't know why I find it so hard to eat more given that I LOVE food, haha (which is probably what got me into this mess in the first place!) but, I want to get to the stage where I can listen to my body and eat when i'm hungry rather than because i'm bored and still eat a decent amount of food, that's when i'll stop tracking :)

Made an effort to bulk up my breakfast so, should hopefully be using some weeklies today!

Calorie subtotal: 1283
Pro-point subtotal: 27
Weekly point balance: 48/49 remaining
Portions of fruit/veg: 7

Breakfast: 5pp - 261cal!

Cornflakes (2)
Semi-skimmed milk (1)
Frozen berries (0)
Apple (0)
Raisins/Mixed nuts (2)

Lunch: 7pp - 213cal!

Vegetables (0)
Ice pop (0)
Cheese sandwich on wholemeal bread (7)

Afternoon: 1pp - 115cal!

Frube yoghurt (1)
2 satsumas (0)
Ice pop (0)

Dinner: 7pp - 331cal!

New potatoes (4)
Fish fillet (3)
Green beans (0)
Carrots (0)

Evening: 7pp - 263cal!

Ice cream and cream soda (2)
Fab lolly (2)
1 slice wholemeal bread (3)
Coke zero (0)


90mins walking
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Do u like cranberry juice? That will soon get ur pp up :D xxx

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Hi Hun,something will click with food..just make sure it's sooner rather then later ;0) that girl obviously thought she was being funny! Shame she got it so wrong! That's good that you now know to have more chips! Hope you have a good day :0)
Well done for trying so hard to eat more. Just keep vigilant and add a few more of everything - a few more chips, another sausage, half an ounce more cereal perhaps, full fat bits and bobs, swap the quark for a cream cheese with a bit more fat in it - several smaller things will prob be easier than fewer 'big' things. You'll get there. xxx

Oh and the silly cow who shouted at you while you were jogging - she's just that - a silly cow! Or maybe a very sad person who can only get through by taking it out on others. Either way, ignore the silly cow! :p