Jaly's Diary of a Snackaholic! 26pp/day :)

Jaly said:
Lean steak mince (it was in the freezer, usually I buy turkey mince/quorn mince), with an egg to bind it, salt/pepper to season and onion for added flavour :) I would've added breadcrumbs as well but they tasted great without :) Was quick and easy and tasted as if it took hours of prep! Next time I think I'll add more herbs too just for an extra 'kick' :)

Sounds so delicious xx
Not used any weeklies but I have eaten quite a bit of fruit so, I won't stress though my min calorie intake should be 1500 and I've had 1466 though I haven't been weighing so there's always room for inaccuracies :) I promise I'll use some wp tomorrow though!! I bought some nuts to add to my cereal to add some points there!

Breakfast: 4pp/202cal

Egg (2)
Wholemeal bread (2)
Green beans (0) - we only had one slice of bread so I used them to dip into the yolk :p
Frozen berries (0)

Morning: 0pp/50cal

Apple (0)

Lunch: 7pp/284cal

Brown baguette (warm from the oven, yum!) (5)
Margarine/bacon medallions (2)

Afternoon: 1pp/47cal

Cherry yoghurt (1)

Dinner: 15pp/550cal

Homemade meatballs (lean steak mince, onion, egg, salt/pepper to season) (7)
Gravy (1)
Brown rice (6)
Mixed veg (1) (pointing the peas :p)

Dessert: 3pp/96cal

Aero bubbleball (3)

Evening: 2pp/237cal

Pear (0)
Orange (0)
Cereal bar (2)
Ice pop (0)


20mins Wii Fit
5 songs 'Just Dance'
Walking: to, from and around Tesco, carrying what felt like half my body weight of shopping on the way back, haha (about 70-80mins in total)
Calisthenics: 2 x 40 bicep curls, 2 x 20 tricep extensions (1.5kg weights), 20 lunges on each leg, 2min wall sit (ouchie!), 90sec plank, 25 abdominal leg lifts
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Those meatballs sound great and so does your dinner tomorrow! You're doing well with your exercise too. Just make sure you don't lose anymore!

Marianne x

Thank you! :) I really need to get my head around this eating more though - it's not as if I need to lose more, I'm wearing children's sized clothes (size 14-15 jeans) and size 11-12 shorts today (they are elasticated tho!)
Stop losing weight woman!! Lol
Have a lovely day today, plenty to eat :D xxx

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Ahhh I hate the fumes of paint, hope ur headache goes soon!! We have to buy all the odour free stuff with my sons asthma so luckily I dont have to put up with the headaches! Get some paracetamol down you xxxx

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Jaly said:
Had some nuts with my cereal to bulk up my breakfast a little bit! Got a really bad headache from the paint fumes as my mum's redecorating though, urgh :(

Oh no hope your headache goes soon get out and get some fresh air.
Yay to the nuts!! Xxx
Hope the headache soon goes hun. EAT! (typed in a non-nagging sort of way! ;) )
Haha! You make me giggle Moon ;) Went back to bed for a couple of hours and feeling a lot better for it. Just found out my Grandad went back out specifically to buy me low-fat custard for dessert tonight despite already having bought some, bless him :p Not quite feeling up to jumping around just yet but I'm gonna take a little stroll just to get some fresh air :) hope everyone else has a lovely day!
Jaly said:
Haha! You make me giggle Moon ;) Went back to bed for a couple of hours and feeling a lot better for it. Just found out my Grandad went back out specifically to buy me low-fat custard for dessert tonight despite already having bought some, bless him :p

Aw what a nice Grandad you have :0) glad you feel better now and yay to adding nuts to your breakfast :0)
Yeah, I give up :( Not eating just for the sake of it despite only having 4/5 fruit/veg portions today - will have at least 6 tomorrow to make up for it :p

Points today - 33 (1 wp used)
Calories - 1376
Weeklies remaining: 48/49

Breakfast: 6pp/250cal

1/2 banana (0)
Cornflakes (2)
Semi-skimmed milk (1)
Brazil nuts/walnuts/peanuts (3)

Morning: 0pp/65cal

Apple (0)

Lunch: 7pp/277cal

2 slices wholemeal bread (5)
Cheese (2)

Afternoon: 0pp/1cal

Ice pop (0)

Dinner: 9pp/375cal

Chicken breast (3)
Swede (0)
Mixed veg (1)
Roast potatoes (4)
Gravy (1)

Dessert: 11pp/407cal

Apple pie (8) - straight from the oven, mmm!
Ice cream (3)

Drinks: 0pp/1cal

Water (0)
Can of coke zero (0)


30mins walking (to grandparent's house and back)
10mins dancing
8-9 songs 'Just Dance' (around 40mins)
Great day yesterday hun! Apple pie and ice cream hmmmm!!! xxx