Hippety Hop!
Feeling a lot better now I've treated myself to some biscuits, maybe I should be a bit more relaxed when it comes to treatsmy Mum made a comment earlier which upset me a little bit, telling my wee cousin not to even offer me a sweet when he was offering the packet to everyone else because I "don't eat anything but chicken and vegetables" and "would have to weigh the sweet before I ate it" pfft. She's so insensitive at times, I'm glad I've made the change to adopt a healthier lifestyle/diet and if she doesn't want to follow, she's the one who'll suffer because of it.
Glad you are feeling better. Did have a chuckle at your mum saying about you would have to weigh it... altho' tbh that's not very nice.
Don't let it put you off your healthier life style..wish I had done lot more when I was younger.