Jaly's Diary of a Snackaholic! 26pp/day :)

Feeling a lot better now I've treated myself to some biscuits, maybe I should be a bit more relaxed when it comes to treats :) my Mum made a comment earlier which upset me a little bit, telling my wee cousin not to even offer me a sweet when he was offering the packet to everyone else because I "don't eat anything but chicken and vegetables" and "would have to weigh the sweet before I ate it" pfft. She's so insensitive at times, I'm glad I've made the change to adopt a healthier lifestyle/diet and if she doesn't want to follow, she's the one who'll suffer because of it.

Glad you are feeling better. Did have a chuckle at your mum saying about you would have to weigh it... altho' tbh that's not very nice.
Don't let it put you off your healthier life style..wish I had done lot more when I was younger.
Jaly said:
Haha, I may take you up on that offer! x Will ask my Grandad if I struggle first though :)

Is your grandad a math wiz?
I can't say anything I learnt in math (apart from adding/subtracting etc) has ever helped me in life. But it's fun and very rewarding doing all the equations!
Those asda biscuits sounds great! Any biscuits sound great!!

I love how much fruit and eg you have! It's fab! I try and get loads in myself! Low calories and very filling! I think your doing really well!

Do you still WI weekly?
Ergh ..sometimes parents can be frustrating like that..yup you've come along way Hun,well done :0)
Am glad you feel better and more relaxed about treats :0)

Thank you! And, I think there's an element of jealousy in that she lacks the willpower to stick to a diet whereas I managed it first time, i've offered her endless support/encouragement/advice which she requests, and then she tells me not to 'lecture' her! x Parents!
Jaly said:
Thank you! And, I think there's an element of jealousy in that she lacks the willpower to stick to a diet whereas I managed it first time, i've offered her endless support/encouragement/advice which she requests, and then she tells me not to 'lecture' her! x Parents!

Grr sometimes they have to find their own way..adults can be more like children then children sometimes!
Those asda biscuits sounds great! Any biscuits sound great!!

I love how much fruit and eg you have! It's fab! I try and get loads in myself! Low calories and very filling! I think your doing really well!

Do you still WI weekly?

The biscuits are amazing, definitely my favourite! I've colour-coded my diary to be able to see my portions of different food groups better and make sure I eat a variety :p I love fruit, need to be careful due to the sugar though!x Thank you very much for your kind words! ;)
I've still got an easter egg too! keep threatening to have it on a treat day but haven't had it yet! It's a big galaxy one with two bars! Had chinese today so it'll have to wait till next week!