Thanks Daisy

You always know just waht to say in order to make me feel better!
Emma - if it was my Mum I would've just smiled and accepted the compliment but the ambiguity and randomness of his Mum's comment especially since I haven;t heard from her for months even before I broke up with Simon is what made me feel down, not actually what she said because as far as I could tell she liked me so I don't think she was attempting to infer that I wasn't a 'wonderful girl' beforehand, but ^^
As for being close to my grandparents and the voluntary work, I hate taking/recieving tbh, I love the self-satisfaction you get from knowing you've put a smile on someone's face or made someone else's day that tiny bit easier

My family have spent the last 16 years taking care of me and have done so much for me to turn me into the person I am today and so I have a lot to give back to them
I think I'm craving the security/affection from a relationship to be completely honest ;x being single is making me feel a tiny bit worthless, not sure why! I know I should just go out and enjoy it but, i feel useless knowing i'm not really making anyone feel special/appreciated ^^ I suppose the right guy will come along soon enough though!