Jaly's SF Maintenance Diary!

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Day off from exercise is fine,aw ok bout the speech :0)

Yeah, the walk to/from school 5 days/week makes up for it I think - it isn't so much fun in the rain though! :)

Just made a couple of changes to the speech, added in a couple more jokes, if I can keep the guests laughing it'll tame my nerves, lol! Hope you had a good weekend :)
Hey Libby just catching up on diaries.

LOVING the London theme table plan for the wedding you have done a great job it looks brilliant.
That meal you cooked sounds great and so delicious we'll done.

Mega proud of you for the amount of weeklies you have used this week great effort well done chick xxx

Hiya Ness! Awww, thank you so much! I hope everyone else likes the table plan, lol! ^^

Going to use the leftover filo pastry to make dinner tonight, either going to put mashed potato, mozzarella or mince in it.. not decided yet, will see what people fancy when I get home! :)

As for the weeklies, aw, thank you! :) I am trying but I'm also not stressing about food which is such a relief! xx
Hi Libby,

I'm just catching up with your diary now, hadn't kept on top of my own, but that's sorted now.

Wow, haven't you been a busy little lady?? I LOVE the table plans, fantastic idea & well thought out. Never mind about missing exercise, I'm sure with your studies & running around doing wedding tasks, those alone will more than occupy your time.
I'm glad to see you have produced some amazing dishes. well done! I love to cook, I find it very therapeutic. I get a great deal of satisfaction when I have produced a dish & everyone enjoys it. It's escapism for me. I can throw myself into cooking & forget about everything else.
I'm glad to see you are eating more, not only is it healthier, but gives you more energy to deal with everything that's going on in your life right now.
I'm proud of you & what you have achieved, big hugs (((()))) xx

Hiya! Awww, you've made my day! Don't worry about not being able to keep on top f your diary, it is difficult at times to manage while juggling all of your other commitments ;)

I'm glad you like the table plans - I just hope the guests appreciate them just as much! :) I'm also going to make an underground sign and stick it to a minature easel for each table with the table name as it'll match the bigger easel the main table plan will be stuck on as the guests enter the room!

I could do with some advice with regards to my speech if anyone has a spare moment to read it though? :)

And I've developed a real passion for cooking too, my uncle was so disappointed when he came over on Sunday that he was feeling too ill to try any when he found out what was on the menu, lol! I gave him a doggy bag to take home though :p The jammy biscuits were a great success too!

As for eating more, I don't think I could go back to eating less, I'm listening to my body and just eating when I'm hungry! Choosing healthier options where I can etc! Think I may have a treat after dinner tonight though, I really, really fancy maltesers! Going to walk to the nursery in the rain, volunteer for 2hrs, walk home (no doubt in the rain there too!) and then cook dinner so I think some choc is deserved today!

Thank you again so much, I couldn't have done it without the support/encouragement/advice from all of you amazing ladies! xx *hugs!*
Jaly said:
Yeah, the walk to/from school 5 days/week makes up for it I think - it isn't so much fun in the rain though! :)

Just made a couple of changes to the speech, added in a couple more jokes, if I can keep the guests laughing it'll tame my nerves, lol! Hope you had a good weekend :)

Laughter is great so I'm sure the guests will love it :0)
Walking to and from school is plenty of exercise..know what you mean bout not much fun in the rain,especially if you have to sit in wet clothes all day!
Had a really good weekend thanks Libby :0)
Same to you with support etc Hun,you always look out for us,aww your poor uncle having to miss out,that's good that you gave him a doggy bag though.
Sounds like you are pretty organised with the sitting plans,well done :0)
Hope you don't get too wet when you go out to the nursery.
Jaly said:
Hiya! Awww, you've made my day! Don't worry about not being able to keep on top f your diary, it is difficult at times to manage while juggling all of your other commitments ;)

I'm glad you like the table plans - I just hope the guests appreciate them just as much! :) I'm also going to make an underground sign and stick it to a minature easel for each table with the table name as it'll match the bigger easel the main table plan will be stuck on as the guests enter the room!

I could do with some advice with regards to my speech if anyone has a spare moment to read it though? :)

And I've developed a real passion for cooking too, my uncle was so disappointed when he came over on Sunday that he was feeling too ill to try any when he found out what was on the menu, lol! I gave him a doggy bag to take home though :p The jammy biscuits were a great success too!

As for eating more, I don't think I could go back to eating less, I'm listening to my body and just eating when I'm hungry! Choosing healthier options where I can etc! Think I may have a treat after dinner tonight though, I really, really fancy maltesers! Going to walk to the nursery in the rain, volunteer for 2hrs, walk home (no doubt in the rain there too!) and then cook dinner so I think some choc is deserved today!

Thank you again so much, I couldn't have done it without the support/encouragement/advice from all of you amazing ladies! xx *hugs!*

I'm sure the guests will be like all of us on here, we all love them & I'm 100% sure they will too. The mini easels will be cute & novel, you're so full of great ideas. If you want a fresh pair of eyes looking over your speech, I'm happy to help, just say the word :)
I'm glad things are all coming together for you, at times you can't see light at the end of the tunnel but we get there eventually.
I bet your Uncle loved his meal & you can't beat homemade fresh biscuits, no e numbers or preservatives. Yummy!!! You've put me in the mood now lol.
Enjoy your chocolate fix, it's amazing how good it tastes when you limit yourself. I used to munch down a few bars a day & never gave it a thought & didn't really taste them, but now, it's a treat & I make it last lol.
Btw my name is Hazel, meant to say earlier....oops!! Enjoy your day pet xx
Aw thank you! :) The message of really having to eat more and doing so/ot just saying I will has really started to sink in, can't thank you enough for all of your "nagging" etc ;) xx

Glad someone listens to me.. lol

Fair play to you walking to and from volunteering in the rain.. If its anything like it is here you deserve a medal.. its miserable!!!
Hey Libby. Sounds like you have a busy evening ahead of you, I certainly don't envy you all that walking in the rain. The sofa is definitely my habitat for the rest of the evening...
Yeah! The weather was horrible Frances! x Will find your diary in a little while Hollie :)

Thank you Daisy! x

As for the choc fix, 4 maltesers with my quark mousse managed to satisfy the craving, yum! I think I enjoyed them more than I would if I just munched the whole packet too :) I'll send you a PM with the speech Hazel, would very much appreciate it ;)

Should try and find a relatively healthy biscuit recipe sometime, hmm :p

and, if anyone doesn't listen to you Frances they're missing out on some pretty awesome advice, lol ^^
Hey Libby. Sounds like you have a busy evening ahead of you, I certainly don't envy you all that walking in the rain. The sofa is definitely my habitat for the rest of the evening...

Hiya! x Was very busy, dinner took ages! At home and have no pastry brush, pfft :/ Vegging out on the sofa sounds like a plan, unfortunately I have some school work to attend to, meh! :/

Day 1: 83/90 weeklies remaining

Breakfast: Kiwi, Apple, Grapes with soya yoghurt
Lunch: Pasta with herb + tomato sauce (Bought from school cafeteria so not sure what was in it, will count 1 for it anyway :p)
Afternoon: Pear
Dinner: Mashed potato (made with SS milk) filo parcel (2), baked beans, turkey mince with gravy (1)
Dessert: Quark, Sweetener, Maltesers (1) (needed a treat!)
Supper: Quark, Sweetener, Mixed nuts/raisins (2) (Wanted to use up some more weeklies - eaten a whole tub of quark today though, I think I'm addicted!)
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Jaly said:
Hiya! x Was very busy, dinner took ages! At home and have no pastry brush, pfft :/ Vegging out on the sofa sounds like a plan, unfortunately I have some school work to attend to, meh! :/

Day 1: 86/90 weeklies remaining

Breakfast: Kiwi, Apple, Grapes with soya yoghurt
Lunch: Pasta with herb + tomato sauce (Bought from school cafeteria so not sure what was in it, will count 1 for it anyway :p)
Afternoon: Pear
Dinner: Mashed potato (made with SS milk) filo parcel (2), baked beans, turkey mince
Dessert: Quark, Sweetener, Maltesers (1) (needed a treat!)

Got your message Libby, I've sent you a reply and for anyone out there reading this, it's perfect. It made me quite emotional!!
Looks like you've had a good day, busy and some nice food & yeah, healthy biscuit recipes sound like a plan!! xx
Hiya! x Was very busy, dinner took ages! At home and have no pastry brush, pfft :/ Vegging out on the sofa sounds like a plan, unfortunately I have some school work to attend to, meh! :/

Day 1: 83/90 weeklies remaining

Breakfast: Kiwi, Apple, Grapes with soya yoghurt
Lunch: Pasta with herb + tomato sauce (Bought from school cafeteria so not sure what was in it, will count 1 for it anyway :p)
Afternoon: Pear
Dinner: Mashed potato (made with SS milk) filo parcel (2), baked beans, turkey mince with gravy (1)
Dessert: Quark, Sweetener, Maltesers (1) (needed a treat!)
Supper: Quark, Sweetener, Mixed nuts/raisins (2) (Wanted to use up some more weeklies - eaten a whole tub of quark today though, I think I'm addicted!)
Drinks: Water
Exercise: Walk to/from nursery + school (90ish mins!)

Quite a decent day foodwise, eaten enough and didn't feel the need to eat the whole packet of maltesers which is always a plus!
I know you are quite the expert with we points lol

Hubby bought home a small tub of plain rice from the Indian restaurant and a curry which I have no idea what it's called. It had red coated chicken chunks which were cooked on a skewer as it had the hole through it and had some potato and veg in it, wasn't spicy or a creamy dish, more tomato based.

It was a normal portion which we shared, what would you estimate points at? I was thinking of 29 of my weeklies but not sure if I should just use the whole 49 to be safe? X
Food looks great for yesterday Hun well done xx
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