Jaly said:Feeling a bit flu'ey, intended to go out for a run, only managed one lap of the track (200m I think) before ending up in a coughing fit, ah well, the good-will was there lol
Today: 32/90 weeklies remaining
Breakfast: Pear, Banana, Porridge
Morning: Apple
Hello Jaly, I've come to admit that having been sneaking around your diaries for probably a good 2 months or more I finally bit the bullet last night and signed up to 3 months' online WWI'm in my second year at uni and although I've lost a stone on SW so far this year it's taken me since february! Your food diaries always look like the kind of things I would eat as well which is helpful
so sorry to hear about your depression, I hit a bout of it during A levels after some nasty family news but exercise does help a lot if you don't want the drugs. Something to do with the endorphins etc. You can also buy/loan this really good book I found about how to self treat depression because I don't know about you but being so young I really didn't want loads of extra drugs going into my body at a time when your hormones are still going crazy as it is! Hope you feel better today
Hope your feeling better hun!!
Hey not been on in a while hope your doing well xxx
Hey Libby, how are you today? Hoping the dreadful lurgy is beginning to retreat.
The chinese pork steak last night sounds really good, did you make it or buy it? I love the chinese marinated pork you get from morrisons, although I am never sure how to point it :/
Its a shame that your zumba class was too sedate, but maybe it was for the best given the coughing caused by the running this morning? Zumba is a wierd one - there seems huge variability in how energetic the individual classes are. The one I used to go to was really quite high intensity and you would be leaping and jumping around the whole time but I have heard other people at the gym mention that classes by other instructors at the gym are much slower paced.
Have you got any plans for the weekend? Or just generally trying to recooperate?
Jaly said:Aw, hope it doesn't turn into anything nasty Atomic!
Had a fab weekend, been staying at my aunt's/uncle's (they have a 16month old son who is a lot of fun!)
Not gonna bother with weeklies for today/tomorrow but will start afresh on Mon! I spent this morning at a big fair thing with loads of different trade stalls/food stalls with sweets/fudge/chocolate fountains/meats/cheeses/sauces/crackers/chillis - you name it, there was a stall for itThere was also a giant vegetable competition, book stalls, clothes stalls, dog show, horse show, loads of animals etc etc
My Uncle treated me to a pick n mix and my Mum bought me home some truffles from her 'honeymoon' weekend in London, yum! At my Grandmothers' today for roast lamb, delicious
Yesterday's food:
Breakfast: Porridge, Banana, Pear
Morning: Apple
Lunch: Pom-bear crisps, Tesco light choices ham + cheese sandwich
Dinner: Toad in the hole (with cider + apple sausages, yum!), Mash, Gravy, Broccoli, Carrots, Swede
Pudding: Definitely a contender to Daisy's amazing sundaes tbh, heated a bakery choc cookie in the microwave, crumbled it up and had it with a scoop of cookies & cream ice cream = heaven!
Food today:
Breakfast: Vanilla stars cereal (a bit sweet but yummy) + cheerios (when you can't choose, have a bit of both!) with whole milk
Morning: Apple, Mint humbug
Hi Libby,
Glad you're so much better. Sounds like you've had a great time staying with your relations. Food sounds tremendous too
It sounds like it's just what you needed, getting away for a few days, getting looked after & getting treats too. Who needs medicine??
Enjoy the rest of your weekend xx
Thank you Hazel! Managed to get the majority of my homework out of the way too!(no doubt will get laden with more tomorrow though, urgh!) Feeling a little less 'jolly' atm though