Had lunch early as I have a dentist appt at 3 and they're probably going to take an imprint for a new tooth-brace so don't want to eat at 'lunchtime'
I've eaten the same amount today (at 11am!) as I would have in an entire day sometimes a couple of months ago, shocking
Breakfast: Apple, 2 slices wholewheat toast, one with ex. light philly, one with olive spread
Morning/Lunch: Tropical fruit salad (I used to hate watermelon but I think the taste has grown on me!), Cheese and ham panini
Afternoon: Weetabix oat bar, Nectarine, Muller light
Dinner: 3 fish fingers, mash made with SS milk, swede, carrots
'Dessert': Pear
Supper: Porridge with berries
Had a very fruity day today

12 portions of fruit/veg!
Exercise: 1 1/2hrs walking, 90min karate lesson (wasn't too active today though)