Jaly's SF Maintenance Diary!

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Hi jaly wish I could be obsessive about weighing/ counting perhaps then I would manage to lose weight lol. It's good that ur taking a step back just relax a bit :) hope rehearsals go ok have a good day xx

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Hi Libby, I hope you're having a great time. You'll look beautiful no matter what you are wearing :) xx
Breakfast: 1 weetabix + SS milk, yoghurt
Morning: Apple, pear
Starter: Bread roll with butter
Main: Chicken nuggets (chicken breasts deep fried but the batter was really greasy so I picked it off!), Chips (best chips i've ever tasted!), Peas and my aunt didn't want to eat (and I was being a pig!) so I had almost a whole chicken breast with green beans and babycorn too :p
Dessert: Banana split with strawberry sauce and vanilla ice cream (yum!)
Evening: Yoghurt, Strawberry + cranberry porridge made with water

Drinks: Diet coke, glass of orange juice

Will get you a pic as soon as I can Frances :) xx
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Glad you had a great time. Will look forward to seeing the pictures.

I know we are all meant to like "proper" grown up healthy food but sometimes there is something uniquely satsifying about having chicken nuggets and chips for dinner!

Also last night's cheesey seafood pasta sounds absolutely awesome. I have some lightly smoked salmon in the freezer and i am very tempted to steak you idea for that.
Jaly said:
Helping my Grandad look after my 3 cousins at a safari park tomorrow :) He specifically took me to Tesco to buy some healthy packed lunch food though - bless him! :)

Had requests for lemon drizzle cake, coconut macaroons (better than shop bought, apparently!) and fudge tart at the weekend so it looks like more baking will be in order!

Sounds like a busy day!! I hope you don't have rain down your end of the country, fingers crossed.the fudge tart sounds lovely, how do you make it? xx
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Yummy yummy yummy bakery options! Not surprised they were requested. Have fun trick or treating!
Breakfast: Toffee muller light + Banana
Morning: Weetabix oat bar
Lunch: 2 ham rolls (wholemeal bread), babybel light, frube, blueberries, loooads of fruit salad
Dinner: Leek, bacon, pea and mushroom risotto with carrots (delicious!)
Dessert: Pear, Drumstick lolly

Decided that drumsticks defo aren't worth the cals though, would much rather have a yoghurt/treatsize choc bar tbh! My house is now full of sweets my sis brought home though!

Off to make a keylime pie for pudding tomorrow :)

The keylime pie looks.. like a keylime pie which is good at least! I was up until 12:30 baking it though as I had to wait for the base to cool, grr! :p

Breakfast: 1 slice wholemeal toast with scrambled egg whites (leftover as I used the yolks for the keylime pie!)
Morning: Apple
Lunch: Blueberry porridge, 1/2 banana, fat-free yog
Afternoon: Grapes, babybel light
Dinner: Italian 'meatloaf' (cooked the mince first and drained off the fat), new potatoes, green beans and carrots
Dessert: Light cadbury choc trifle (don't like keylime pie :p), WW mini roll
Supper: 2 weetabix with SS milk

Exercise: 20mins walking brisk pace on incline/light jogging, 8mins rowing, 12mins step machine, 20mins walk (to and from gym)
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Jaly said:
My god! I can't believe it's November already, where did this year go?! ^^

Was thinking (scary stuff.. haha, shock might've killed me!) - for those who can afford to participate/are trusting enough to divulge their address, maybe some kind of Minimins secret santa could be quite fun? Just throwing it out there to get feedback :p

Hope everyone's had a lovely day!

Love it brilliant idea count me in!!
The plan for dinner was lasagne, but, we had no lasagne sheets and i was already in my pjs so didn't wanna go to the shops! Had a packet of defrosted mince and little else so no idea of what to do - turned it into a meat loaf with bacon (well.. cake considering I don't have a loaf tin!) and that went down a treat :)

Everyone adored the keylime pie - my Grandad had 3rds, lol :p
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