Hey sorry for the slow reply, don't come on here much anymore!
Best tips I can give you as I'm now 5 weeks stable with no gain and a little more loss:
1. Water literally is amazing. Just because you're off the shakes don't stop drinking it! Keep up the 3 or whatever litres a day and you'll feel miles better, happier, clearer skin and better to keep weight off.
2. DON'T DEVIATE FROM THE RECOMMENDED REFEED SHEET - I saw a few diaries people did who were having like ham salads and stuff, it doesn't suggest eating that so I wasn't surprised when they gained on their refeed!
3. Be confident what you're doing it right - eat everything you're supposed to and don't skip steps.
4. Don't obsess during the week. Just follow the guide and get weighed in a week later and get that sigh of relief.
Good luck anyway!