JanD's dietchef diary

Wow, Laura - I'm gobsmacked. Well done you :D

Jan - good luck today - I'm sure you will have a good WI this week after all those 100% days you got in.
Thank you .... fingers crossed - I don't weigh till 4.45 ....:( ...
I'm a bit disappointed to be honest. I only lost 1lb which doesn't seem enough after the week I've had.

I've rationalised it in terms of the last 3 weeks. I wouldn't have been surprised if I'd sts in wk 1 or wk 2 so 3.5lbs over the 3 weeks is fine.... It does make you wonder though ......

Ah well .. baby steps ... it's in the right direction. :):)
Jan - That is a result!! and you are so right to look at it over a 3 week period! (It's still 2 x packs of butter in terms of fat!) - well done!!:D
Thanks guys! I appreciate the encouragement!

I'm afraid I've had a couple of things I shouldn't this evening so won't be claiming 100% today but hope to be right back on track tomorrow. xx
hey jan i have been good too this week to be honest havent really ate all im susposed to as when i have my period i cant eat!! and i have stayed the same, saw the health visitor in town and she said id lost weight but the last time she saw me was when i just had my 2nd son a year ago!! so i should think so lol!! anyway chin, up better off than on xx

I think you probably get the picture ..... this was me all night and this morning ..... I wish we could bottle those feelings of resolve and determination to be able to take a dose of when they simply disappear into thin air.

I THINK I'm back in control since getting up this afternoon ...... **BIG SIGH** :(

Y Y Y Y Y ???? :confused:

Hope you're all doing okay!! :wave_cry: xx

Oh dear Jan!! It's in the past now!! Hopefully you are back in the zone now!! I have battled a bit today - for reasons of convenience and as a treat the children have had fish and chips from the chippy! OMG that was so hard.........especially when I had to throw away what wasn't eaten!! Oh the smell!!
Anyway hopefully 100% for you tomorrow!
Thanks Laura. I still feel a bit wobbly but going to try to keep busy all night .... here's hoping ....

:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::innocent0001::innocent0001::innocent0001: xx

I don't have much to do as such but I've been asked to do an absent tarot reading and a distant healing session so I'll take the opportunity to do them while I'm here - that's keep me out of mischief for a litle while at least :):)
Lucky You!! :)
Just reporting in with another cr*p day. Not as bad as the first one but still BAD ......

I'm not going to sit here and make a load of excuses - I've had a bad couple of days and the whys and wherefores would be boring to anyone else and wouldn't help me either!

So I'll just say 'here's to more control'

Hope you all are doing okay and have a good weekend xx
I am fed up :cry: tonight and missing my friday night treats!! So am planning on going to bed early to avoid temptation !

I am 1/2 way through my 5 week hamper and have just ordered the 2nd so as not to miss the extra free week !;)

My mum who doesn't have that much to lose has lost about 7 lbs so far and is also still enjoying the food.

Sorry to hear that you are having a tough few days Jan - I hope it becomes a bit easier over the weekend for you.:)
Hi Everyone!!

It's quiet on here at the moment. I hope that means you're all having a great time and have better things to do!! :party0023:

I've had a slightly better day today. Not 100% but MUCH more in control.

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend!! xx