Right disaster!!!!!!! i forgot to get my scan bran today

but ill make sure i get some tomorrow as katie should hopefully be going back to school her voice is coming back but by bit so i think she'll be alright in the morning, she said the funniest/cutest thing today....."ill need to go into my room and have a good look around to see where i lost my voice" lol she had me and my mum in stitches with that one.
im not looking forward to WI in the morning as im feeling a bit bloated

i just mentioned across on goblinos thread about me having totm 3 times during this month and i really hope that its not just about to happen again

for the past 2 and a bit years ive had a contracteptive implant in my arm (sorry if your squeamish ) so because of whats been happening this month i went to the nurse today to get it removed!! so my arms all bandaged up but at least i should soon settle down into a 'routine', the nurse said something that i found quite interesting too and that was that with any hormone contracteptive you get false hunger which obviously can make you gain weight or make it harder to lose weight when dieting! this is my first time hormone free since i was 17 apart from the times off the pill to conceive so by my reckoning the weight should simply be falling off me from now onwards lol.....I wish!
breakfast - 2 weetabix with milk (A+B)
lunch - buffet at sophies playgroup haloween party, luckily most of the food was gone by the time i got back from the doctors surgery so all that was left was french baguette sections with ham and cheese, they were very small about 2 inch by 2 inch and i ate one of them so im going to say 3.5syns? i used my remaining 'A' from this mornings milk for the cheese and the ham was free.
biscuit (5)
dinner - rice(F) with quorn chicken(F), bacon (F), chorizo (2) and loads of spinach to make my 1/3rd stupid question coming up but i take it you can measure the 1/3rd at raw weight? as the spinach was well over 1/3 raw but wilted away to practically nothing when cooked?