right so had a chat with myself and went out for a walk in this glorious sunshine to get some painkillers. feel a bit better after it
got myself some nurofen. now to just make it to one o clock to have my soup, then get through the afternoon lol. very tired today grrrrrr and my ears feel blocked. ugh not fun. having said that though normally when this sick i go "awh im sick lets just eat. im run down. so i have to eat (The entire contents of sainsbury's normally lol) whereas "today im like meh, id love a sandwich with my soup but i cant have a sandwich with my soup so just deal with it, quit whining and drink your water" hehe.
on a good note tho, today i am loving my reflection
can see the weight loss and feel fantastic. gonna buy a bikini at the end of sole source for my hols in october as a reward to myself.
ohhhhh also forgot to tell you all. right ive been thinking about my reward for when i reach my goal weight. ok so to cut a long story short. my dad had cancer two years ago (he is fantastic now so no worrying its all good
) but during the time he was ill, id to move home to help with the family business, and my long term relationship ended and all in all it was just one of those years that im glad ended well. anyway the point of my rambling is.... one day dont ask me where or how, but I saw the words "live love and laugh" and I said wow if I was to ever get a tattoo I would love it to be those words. however I am a very indecisive person who swore she would never get one but I dunno maybe the past few years have softened me and told me to live it up a bit more. So i said to myself right if in three years time you still want the same tattoo then go for it. Anyway its over two years now and I still want it. Gonna get it somewhere discreet, I am thinking on my side up around the ribs (Im aware of how painful this is meant to be lol ) So yeah I have decided I am getting the tattoo when I reach my goal weight
Sorry Ive been in and out of the office while writing this so my mood has changed dramatically since I started it well over two hours ago lol. Firstly, godbless nurofen and water. I feel much better, my ears arent as sore and I think Ill make it through the day lol. Went on a few errands in the sunshine and that picked up my spirits. swigging away at the water... did i mention that i think water is key in this
(lol only like fifty million times jan!!!)
also next week in the office the directors are away and my boss taking a few days off so itll be a nice week. then my sister is over to me with my two gorgeous nieces who i miss fierce so im off the following monday and then the weekend after that is a bank holiday. so HAPPY days.
Ive cheered up now defo. god bless sunshine and god bless painkillers
(ok so its one o clock now YAY SOUP TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!