Happy New Year everyone
I think in the last year we have all done fantastically well
Personally, I am grateful I'm not in the position I was in last year. Although it was an exciting and liberating experience starting LL, I would not relish the thought of going through it again
However, I must admit I am not at goal weight any longer
and to be honest I would ideally like to lose another 2 stone. I contemplated going back to packs over the Xmas period when, like many people, I "let rip" and felt awful. However I have joined Slimming World instead. The prospect of a "conventional" diet this time last year when I had so much to lose was too daunting but this year my priorities have changed.
My problem is, and always has been, "laziness" when it comes to eating. Most of my food is convenient grab and go food which as a result is more often than not highly calorific and very fatty. I think SW is good for making you cook from scratch and therefore eat healthily.
TI, I understand what you say about learning from CBT, I wonder myself whether I learnt anything at all
However, I think it's not just about learning about what's going on inside your head, but also about breaking habits. I've relied on easy food for so long that preparing/eating anything else just doesn't come naturally. I'm not saying that I don't "eat with my head" ie comfort eating, even when I'm not hungry but those times I do make choices (after all we've all got to eat sometimes) I tend to go back to the old faithful "bad" things I've always eaten.
For me LL was a life saver but I admit it is definately the ultimate in "convenience" food lol. Time for me to break those habits and learn something different
Sorry but this turned out to be a bit of a longer post than I intended