How do I take the bloody tree down?!? Every time I mention it FirstAndLastBorn has a complete meltdown "no mommy!!!! I want the Xmas!"
Can I say something slightly controversial from bitter experience, ladies? Find 1-3 shakes you really like the taste of and forget about the porridge, the better tasting ones, the flavours you'd enjoy, what you can safely chew, etc - for two reasons: a) this is designed to take the food out of your life and with it the idea of treats, etc and if not it will be much harder. Every time I've tried the chewing gum, the water flavourings, the mousse, the porridge - it made it so much closer to stick and I eventually fell off the horse, the only thing that works is clean SS I think and b) and this is the happier reason - you won't care once firmly in ketosis - the shake will be a chore - never hungry, never feeling any need for it you'll have to force yourself to even have it.
Don't take it the wrong way please, just trying to spread what I -sadly!- learned these past few years. Then again you all have much shorter journeys ahead and less to lose so maybe you'll be fine by borderline-food-ing as I call it when I am in that frame of mind.