Step 1 Sole Source January 2015

Morning, went to bed at 8.30 as I was shattered. I was freezing in the night. Wrapped myself in my quilt like a cocoon but was still shivering even though I could tell it wasn't cold in bed.

i am having a cup of black tea in bed this morning whilst watching the news. Bit strange not to be eating any breakfast yet.

I have to leave for work at 12 so hoping to be able to wait until nearly 11 before having any food. Then lunch at about 4 when I get home and tea sometime in the evening. I prob won't walk the dog today, will just play with her instead.

Would be nice to go to bed and wake up in March nice and skinny. But I guess I did the crime, now I have to do the time!!

have a skinny day everyone :)
Thanks girls :) nice to have some encouragement!! Jo it will be difficult im not going to lie but the whole time this was going on I just kept thinking what I will look like once I've lost the weight and how much happier I will be without that kind of food weighing me down!

Gina I cannot believe he eats that for breakfast most mornings!!! I'm not exactly the healthiest eater normally but that's out of control lol!

Have any of you noticed that the food you are craving now is actually the healthy stuff? I'd be way more likely to fall off the wagon for a chicken breast or some salmon than a mcdonalds or something- funny how our bodies respond!

Hope you all have a great day! Good news is I've slept so well I've actually slept in, would normally be annoyed but so pleased for a decent nights sleep!!!
Im the same iv not cheated yet bar the egg n small bit of tuna but i feel 3 packs is hard for me so maybe 4 paxks or step 2 b easier not sure? Xx
Ahha ginabeany my familh are turkish cypriot and i tell u its in our genetics to be hungry full to feed people and to just eat all the time honestly my whole extended family r the same lucliky none of them are fat but itd b easy to let if get out of hand i dont know why me and my cousins sit and laugh about were all exactly the same with food and we dont know why! Lol u made ma laugh when i read thar i can just imagine tghe big turkish guy ahhaha xx
Thanks for all the understanding about step 2 im not sure if ill do ss for 1 more week yet and then do step 2 but id rather do tgat than fall off the wagon and im definitely not gonna do that so i think an easie step would help. Good luck to all today and newbies it gets so much easier i promise xx
Dawn I know what you mean! I don't think I'm quite in the safe zone but I think when you are good for so long, falling off the wagon for McDonald's would just be way to naughty! But a little chicken breast or something sounds heavenly!!! :)

haha yes yes I know he is such a lovely guy and we chat about food all the time! Like if he tells me what he had for dinner he tells me every spice and herb he has put In! He knows he needs to be healthy but he just has no willpower, he is really big and struggles getting round our office :( I am trying to be a good influence on him, rather him on me!!! So we will see! :)

dont worry skellybob sounds like you would feel a lot happier on step 2 and still get amazing results! Weigh in is tomorrow and I have a feeling she will move me up to step 2 as she did quite early on last time!
Have a happy and healthy day people!!! Xxxx
Thanks for all the understanding about step 2 im not sure if ill do ss for 1 more week yet and then do step 2 but id rather do tgat than fall off the wagon and im definitely not gonna do that so i think an easie step would help. Good luck to all today and newbies it gets so much easier i promise xx
Do what you need to Skellybob, you will still be losing (((hugs)))
Thanks for all the understanding about step 2 im not sure if ill do ss for 1 more week yet and then do step 2 but id rather do tgat than fall off the wagon and im definitely not gonna do that so i think an easie step would help. Good luck to all today and newbies it gets so much easier i promise xx
Thanks babe xx
Ye im so indecisive atm im so good 2 day loads energy not 1 bit hungry havimg my shake in my clinic now n forcing it btw mango is errrre not nice.. but feelin good think.uve had such a good sleep has helped i was warm last night 2 for some odd reason. Ye ill play by ear guys c how i feel

How u guys doing felt bad last night not posting but need sleep aha

And ginabeany u sound like a good influence but hell wont listen hes a man pmsl xx
Lol you need sleep defo so you can have all the energy you need to think clear for the day ahead!
Yeah I love mango but wasn't keen on the shake!
And haha your right being a man! I suggested a little strole up to brentwood high street and he said no it's too far lol, it's a 5 min walk! I will keep trying! Hope your all having a good day!!
Lool what a lazy git drag him ahhaha im ok at work today occupied its good feeling good ive noticed u have a good day then a fuzzy day then a good day its odd xx
A good night's sleep has definitely made a massive difference to me!! I have so much more energy today, I can actually concentrate on work again so might not end up being here until 9pm this evening :)

Yesterday this woman at the gym told me that she eats a spoonful of coconut oil every morning when she gets up and then she barely has to eat anything all day as it fills her up. I looked online yesterday and it doesn't take you out of Ketosis so thought I would give it a go. Had my first spoon this morning and gagged- a lot, it smelt a lot nicer than it tasted... on the other hand I've managed to wait until now to have my first product and even then wasn't that hungry just thought I should before people start getting their lunches out and I realise I'm starved!

Exante packs that I bought have just arrived, quite excited to try one at lunch for some variety :)

Surprised you weren't a fan of the mango shake- that's my fave!!! We all have different tastes though! I am keen to try it with the orange flavouring that you mentioned ages back.
Well, first day over. Day off work today. Terrified that I'll get starving later, so actually haven't had a pack yet, which probably isn't good. Drinking my water though, already downed a litre. I'm loving the advice and support from you guys, its invaluable to know I'm not alone with this! So thanks! How is everyone else doing today?
Haha yeah il get him moving one day! In the meantime im learning loads of new Turkish dishes to try when I'm on food again haha.

Dawn are you doing a mix of CD and that Exante? That's so random about the coconut oil! Love hearing new little remedies! Iv heard of coconut water and milk but not much about the oil! Where did u get it from?
Always try and hold out til at least 12 for my next product, choccy shake :)
I had apple porridge at about 11 which was nice. Am now at school, just about to collect the children from the yard. Hope the kids aren't too noisy as I have a headache :(
Aww you can do it! Getting to half way through the day now!!
Gina, I decided, when I think it was Diet Ninja said about Exante, to have a look at the website and got so excited about some of the products that I went ahead and ordered some, it seems to be very similar nutritionally so don't think it will do any harm! I get so easily bored that I need to mix it up- I also use the Atkins bars to supplement as they won't take me out of Ketosis and the chocolate brownie one is delish!! A few more calories (like 30 more) but really in the grand scheme of things don't think 30 kcals either way is really going to matter! Don't tell my consultant all of that obviously! Normally still have 2 Cambridge products a day (I am on four a day as have a pretty active life so my consultant thought it was best to stop me going into starvation mode). All seems to be working though :)

So random about the oil, but when I googled it, it seems to be a pretty well known thing. I just got it from Sainsburys- was £6 and just next to the normal olive oils etc. The texture of it is vile but I'm so un-hungry today that I have to say I think it was worth it!! They suggest putting it in coffee so might try that tomorrow to avoid the grim texture...
I must try the coconut oil! Funnily enough, I have it in, as my dog has a spoonful a day on his food as his skin gets dry (vet recommended). So he'll maybe have to share! I get mine from Tesco and the vet recommended that I only use the organic virgin type. Dawn, could you stomach it better as liquid? It melts at quite a low temperature.