Hi Everyone, So am in Milan still but having a really quiet day so have just spent over 2 hours reading through all the posts that I have missed out on!!! Everyone is still doing really well- am very proud of us all! Obviously I haven't had a proper weigh in this week, but when I weighed myself on Friday I was 1lb down on the previous week which I am OVER THE MOON with. Normally when I come away onsite I put on over half a stone so this is a huge acheivment for me. I have been pretty good, sticking to a bar for breakfast and sometimes lunch and then having a chicken/ turkey/ fillet of beef salad for dinner. I have had a couple of wobbles- eaten 3 sweets, 2 mouthfuls of pasta, 1 mouthful of tiramisu and some wine but overall I've been on track. Until last night... there was chocolate melt in the middle pudding for dinner and I was really craving some cake so I had it... Felt instantly vile- ended up spending the next hour in the loos (Too Much Info, I know!) so it really wasn't worth it. On the plus side though, it reminded me that I really feel better for not having these things. My biggest acheivment is not having eaten a morsel of bread since I arrived which is normally all I eat when I am away. Doubt I will have lost anything extra this week but on the other hand, I don't think I have put anything on either- have been weighing myself every morning to keep on top of it. Will be so happy if I can come home, having not gained anything to get straight back on track. Would love to get to 12 stone in the next month, which is a big ask but feel like I am powering on through and in a pretty good headspace so fingers crossed!
You guys have all done so well with all these temptations!!! I have really struggled being around food- the other day I picked up a pack of magic stars, got back to my desk and realised what I had done so got up and took them straight back. Some habits are just so ingrained you don't even realise that you are doing them!!!
My cambridge consultant send out an email today to all her clients, congratulating people on their losses and I was featured which was fab

hoping I can have some good before and after photos by the summer!!! My final goal is 10 stone, but once I get to 11 I might re-assess as that might be too small for me- we shall wait and see! Think the 5:2 is a really good way to maintain- makes up for any wobbles you might have and I will definitely be doing that. Looking forward to going back to Step 2 properly next week and getting a good loss again.
Updated tracker below (not sure who still needs to add to it for this week!):
Dietninja 2/1 - 41.5lbs - 12.5lbs
Ginabeany 1/1 - 10lbs - 8lbs
Paigesmum34 4/1 - 36lbs - 9lbs
Jo1989 29/12 - 11lbs - 21lbs
Soci 7/1 - 28lbs - 12lbs
Dawn 2/1 - 46lbs - 15lbs
Becksy1 5/1 - 42bs - 21lbs
Allneedles 5/1 - 32.5lbs - 9.5lbs
Skellybob 1/1- 23lbs- 17lbs
MissAma 2/1 - 74 lbs - 19 lbs
Joy-full 5/1 - 36lbs - 8lbs
Lubilu88- 36lbs-10lbs