JANUARY CHALLENGE!!! Shake off that xmas excess and be a lighter you for the New Year

1lb off for me, making 5lb total. Only need 1 more next week to get my challenge loss but hoping for 2 for half stone in 4 weeks :)
Had a bit of a rocky road,

Lost 1.5 lb first week, gained 3 (OH MY GERD!!) and today lost 3.5 lb.

So a total of 2lbs, but hopefully back on track after my wobble in the second week in January.


Total fail! Gained 2lbs (week 4). I've got no more January weigh ins so failed my January challenge :(

Not surprised though. Not only do I have horrific will power and am so easily swayed off plan, but I've had that horrible cold all month and ended up with a chest infection which has resulted in me telling myself "you're ill, you deserve that chocolate/pizza/slab of cheese/bottle of wine/insert other synful food here".

Oh well. Birthday month next month. Let's hope I give myself something good to celebrate :)
I won`t reach my target this month either cee cee. Try again next month eh?

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1.5lb off target I made 8.5lb this month and wanted 10 my last weigh in of just half let me down even though I tried 100% that week I'll battle for a better loss

I wonder how the losses tally with sp? I can't see that I'm seeing any difference in losses but I feel better.

Are we having another challenge?
3.5lb off for me from my 10lb target

Hey love, well done :) Any chance you can post your resuts for this month? I seem to have lost track of your week 2 and/or3 so not sure what your losses are...well done chick!
OK sorry I've been away again - been recovering from a UTI which is a mean feat when you only have 1 kidney. bleughhhhhh. Then my allotment got flooded by a burst water main, so have been trying to get that sorted the last few days. I've been so awful this week it's been the first time in about a year I've not wanted to weigh in, and I didn't go to class tonight as usual :( I might weigh in tomorrow, but it's going to be a gain and I'm so skint at the min I don't know if I can afford to do SW! £5 a week plus diesel getting there and back, I don't have a job and am not signing on, so funds are very tight at the minute.

Will update the spreadsheet later - congrats to those who made target, and congrats to those that didn't - none of us ended up heavier than we were at the start of the month, and that's the important thing! We've all done so well in the post xmas/NYE madness, will be setting up a Feb thread later (after Eastenders! haha) so get racking your brains on what you really want for next month...it's my birthday next month so i have that to think about.
Ok just did the spreadsheet before eastenders hahaha

congrats to the 5 ladies who made target this month! Woohooooo

still lots of results not in, so there might even be more of us. Lots of us got close, and even those who didn't, we all made some great losses this month a new month starts on sunday! Will get a thread started later.

Don't forget to double check your numbers and let me know if any of it is wrong or if you've forgotten to add a week :))) x

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Lost 4lb this week and got my 1.5st award and slimmer of the month. So pleased i beat my 8lb target for January woohoo.
Hi, last weigh in for January and 2lbs gone, that's a total of 13lbs for January. I am delighted with that loss. I am going go for 10lbs loss in January. That would take me into the 15's a number I haven't seen for a long time.
I had a 1.5 lb gain ...it was star week plus i was in and out of hospital as my sister was admitted in and i was next of kin so a lot a meals went down the pan..gutted i didnt make this months challenge but at least i know where the gain has come from and am not gonna beat myself up over it..onwards and upwards
My last weigh in for January and just a half off for me...still can't complain as every little helps (as tesco keep telling us!). Can't wait til the February challenge to see and share in everyone's continued successes x