Morning my January loss lovelies, Well i've mapped a route for my exercise, its 3.29 miles from door to door, it's got two brutal hills in it and i walked it today, i'd like to say fast but with a double pushchair and having just finished work it took me an hour!! but i feel really good for it now, very glad i did it, and i now have a time to beat.
For the add calories week I had small chicken breast or tuna (in spring water) with lettuce and cucumber, and cod fillet with broccolli and cauliflower, didn't take me out of ketosis (thank heavens) but upped my cals, or i know on lighterlife they do milk week instead cos if you're likely to struggle to not keep eating, so basically you make all your shakes with milk for the week instead of water.
My only wish with this diet is that you didn't get death breath... i can cope with most other things but the death breath is killer!
Aaw Tiggy it's the opposite in our offices at work, I get soo hot in there it's stifling, but whenever i open a window the others complain (albeit quietly and not to me hehe) and close it again
Piggysue, i'm the same when its totm and i can't eat makes me very emotional!!