Jaqys - dusting off the diary

sorry didnt mean to shout x
The flats due an electrical inspection. Currently its not fir for human viewing :rolleyes: Need a shot of your ocd please.
pmsl! ive got ocd in two houses at the moment - its not good. Still im ocd at the blokes tonight :) he will think its the wrong house when he walks in after his night out tonight :D x

Ive only got 2 rooms, you'd think I could manage to keep them reasonable.
But as its only me there and I dont have people round things just stay in the middle of the floor.
I have a cleaner for my two rooms in the city... but not for my seven or more in the country... weekends suck!
Gym this morning, I was a bit later and it was busier :( managed 15mins on xtrainer, same rowing.

Then just had some bonus exercise leafleting my section of the building.

Things are okay, I'm feeling thinner today. The sunshine helps.
Quiet gym this morning so inspired by anya tried the first c25k on the treadmill. Didn't manage the whole thing, was about 5mins short of the alternating between running and walking. But was pretty amazed i managed any running at all.
Tried to do some weights after but body said no :(

Might have something to so with drinking through eurovision last night ;) I was absolutely sweating whiskey.

Like Anya I want some portable exercise. Especially as choosing a no resort fee hotel in Vegas means paying for the fitness centre which is $$$$$.

Foodwise yesterday was a bit hit n miss, tried some Pre marinated tofu for dinner but it was too wet and gross, need to
find some plain to do myself.

About to have some eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be non dukan bacon joint.
Tried on dress that I bought in the sales that I want to wear in June (it fitted when I got it....grrr me),
and will use that as my measure for the next couple of weeks, its too clingy round the middle and on the hips at the moment, would probably be okay with magic pants.

Went to look at a flatshare yesterday, need to cut costs (rent has gone up AGAIN, higher than contract AGAIN). It was a bit small but its very close to where i am so would be an easy move (apart from getting the furniture back to the parents again). The main worry is how I'd cope with the diet if I'm cooking/eating in front of people again. Anyway send positive thoughts that they pick me......

Food today is dukanish
B from frais
L salad with cottage cheese and leftover meat(non dukan unless youre american)
D chicken with broccoli and beansprouts.

Forgot an afternoon snack :(
There's your motivation! Excellent!

Fingers crossed indeed for your flatshare. If/when you decide to relocate to London, will it be this year?

As for cooking/eating in front of people, I'm sure they'll be very supportive once you tell them you're trying to lose weight. :D

Love your meat comment ;)
Work is about to go through a change, I really want to see what sort of opportunity that presents before I head back to london. Am keeping a keen eye on the jobmarket, and moving somewhere cheaper(and not tied to a long contract etc) will help amass the funds needed for another move.
Absolutely! (I was 21 last time I flat shared though... not sure I could do it now, unless I was sleeping with the person ;))!! I guess "extreme tolerance" is required!!
This is the only time I've lived alone really, and its been great. I'm pretty hesitant to be sharing again - especially with 'strangers' which Ive not done since uni (though I did live with all manner of strange people in oz).
My last share was getting less and less tolerable at the end, hence not even trying to find one when I moved here.
When I flat shared in London, I usually found sharing with strangers much easier than with friends. With strangers, there were rules and most stuck to them! (Although I do recall instances of taking one's own roll of loo roll with one to the wc, since one flat mate never bought it when it was her turn so we stopped leaving "ours" there!! :D) And woe betide any "fridge theft"! haaaa!
fingers crossed for you jaqys, hope they're all nice people too, though i'm sure they'd be very understanding about your diet - it's not really any of their business anyway!
Its not about them, or what they think of my food, its me. Eating/cooking in front of new people is one of my issues. I find it terrifying, absolutely paralysing. Its totally a contributor to me gaining weight (hide in room and eat prepackaged rubbish or eat out rather than be with people).

Anyway future problems aside the present is going okay.
Not much change on the food front to yesterday
B from frais
L salad with cottage cheese and chicken
D chicken and broccoli
I hadn't realised Jaqs. Sorry...

(I tend to eat out of a tupperware - like today - when I eat with others, so as not to put my "ingredients" on a plate in all their glory... but it's only to avoid the inevitable questions and comments in my case!)
Hope you get sorted Jaq. and hopefully with people who work shifts so you dont need to worry xxx
Sorry to hear that, jaqys. I can see how that must make things really difficult for you. Is there any chance that you could get some kind of counselling to help you overcome, or at least lessen, the problem?

In any case, I hope that it works out okay for you and that you manage to get a bit of quiet time to yourself when you need to cook or eat.

It seems that a lot of us have some kind of issues when it comes to food and eating. It's good to be among people who understand.