A few years ago the clothing and shoe bargains were amazing, lower tax and great exchange rate.
Its not so great now but I do get great deals on sunglasses, makeup and handbags
Still I'll probably spend a fair bit of time at the outlets and shops.
A lot of the hotels have super high end shops to gawk at, both at the prices and the strangeness of the items.
Had very friendly scales this moning, must be down to the mad cleaning session last night.
I was hungry yesterday, hungry after lunch but didnt have anything else to eat at work, hungry after dinner so had some jelly and tea then it was kind of too late to have anything else and so was hungry when I woke up.
Maybe scales wil be less kind tomorrow.
PP today
B Fromage frais and oatbran
L Trout and smoked salmon
D Chicken and eggs
Its cold and damp again