Trainee Maintainer
Thanx for your support guys although this weeks WI didnt go to plan! Had a fab week dietwise stayed within points everyday (didnt eat any of my AP's) and managed to run 12 miles so was quite looking forward to WI this morning - gutted to find I had STS -
Aaarrgghhh! SO frustrating for you.
now I know muscle weighs more than fat but this is my third week and the reason i started this running mullarkey was to speed up my weight lossI even feel more bloated/fat and my clothes are tighter! Rosie, as our resident running guru, any advice as to how long this is likely to last??? The only other factor that may have influenced my WI results is the fact that Auntie Flo has decided not to pay a visit for the last few months - probably because I'm far too stressed and she kinda avoids me when this happens - isnt she considerate?!!!
Auntie Flo has a lot to answer for!
On a brighter note I got a heart rate monitor for mothers dayOH picked up on the numerous hints (including emails with links from various outlets) - think his decision might have been aided by the fact that he wanted some proof that I was still alive and kicking as I've been keeping my head in the sand of late. Somewhat confused though as when I set it up my resting heart rate appears to be 55-57 bpm which for my age appears to be in the athletic range which can't be right and seems positively ludicrous cos I am nowhere near fit!
Maybe you are fitter than you think. Do you have a sports centre (Council-run) nearby with a gym, perhaps you could ask someone there to check whether your Monitor is accurate. You may be surprised.
Nothing planned for this week so will stick with diet and running and fingers crossed for next weeks WI.
Hope everyone had a good weekend and I hope all mummies out there had a lovely day and were spoilt rotten xxx
Yes, we were