in your defence, if it was reduced cal digestives theyre only 1 point each..
hope your restart goes better today

had to run away from the cheese this morning when I made Mattys bait - told him once this block goes there'll be no more!
Oh jolly good damage reduced by 2 pts then lol had estimated 1.5 each biscuit . Naughty Matty on the cheese front - and bait ??? cheese for bait???
Morning Jax
Why does life just get in the way so much eh ?!
You will get back on our wagon, even if we have to go round the roundabout a couple of times.
Maybe you are being a bit hard on yourself - too much on & too many targets to achieve as well as being a mum, working & looking after everyone else.
Take 5 mins, write a list but only put on it things that are really really important & HAVE to be done - the rest - well they can wait.
Good Luck - we're all here xx
Thanks hun for yr support - just tried the list showed it to OH - he was not impressed as no ironing, housework or shopping - will give it a try
Morning Jax - loving the alliteration by the way - every day is a school day on minis
I think its the dreaded sugar getting you too...once you start it's just so hard to stop - it takes over your brain! I would love to be one of those people who can have a square of chocolate or one finger of kit kat and then STOP - my sister is one of them...makes me sick
Thanks Rosie - blooming sugar its a right pain - agree would love to be able to stop at one of anything really!
Well today was a disaster - daughters playing merry hell this morning and almost late for work. Work was a nightmare and got out for lunch late - In a rush to get home drove the car out of the car park and misjudged the gate - got caught on this sticky out bit I'd never noticed before - scraped the passengers rear door - realised at this point that I'd hit something and stopped - inched forward; no noise and moving freely so assumed I'd just driven over something and started to drive forward again to an almighty screech - didnt realise the reason I'd had no noise and car freely moved was the wheels are set back further than the body of a car - therefore when I started to move forward again the sticky out bit on the gate opened my rear panel and bumper up like a sardine can

Not bad for a brand new car :cry:
This story does have positives though - by the time I did get home for lunch (shaking like a leaf) I had no time for anything other than pre-arranged pointed lunch

When I got home needed to ring insurance company and by the time I got off the phone from them needed to pick twinkles up from dance club. Gave them strict instructions NOT to let me anywhere near biscuits, cakes, crisps or anything other than ingredients to make spag bol and free veg!!! They duly obliged - me thinks after making me almost late for work this morning they daren't of done anything else. OH was okay about it too - comments like - 'well at least no one was hurt' and 'its only a car' - am a bit worried he's trying to butter me up about something but will cross that bridge when the time comes!
Tonight I noticed when hunting for food to stuff my face with that anything that was remotely tempting has been removed from the cupboards and fridge (not sure if its OH or daughters but very grateful all the same) - so today I have been within points for the first time in a fortnight!!! Every cloud has a silver lining and I think this accident may have been one - it has made me think that I seriously need to slow down, take Fitz's advice and cut out the unnecessary things - luckily this time no one was hurt and no real damage done but heaven knows what will happen if I keep running from A to B juggling X, Y and Z in the air.
Todays food ended up as
Bfast - 50g multigrain hoops (3) Skimmed milk (1)
Lunch - Soup (1) Bread roll (2) Yoghurt (0.5)
Dinner - Spag Bol (6) Cous cous (2.5) Free Veg (0)
Snacks - 2 x pink and whites (1), reduced fat digestive (1) and pk WW crisps x 2 (2)
Total 20/20
Tomorrows food plan is similar as I made Spag bol for two nights.
Bfast - cereal (3) skimmed milk (1)
Lunch - soup (1) bread roll (2) yoghurt (0.5)
Snack - pink and white 0.5
Tea - Spag bol (6) cous cous (2.5) and free veg
Straight to bed me thinks before I find some of this hidden food