Thanks Smirkey, Fuzzy and Fitz - weekend has been fab and no need to beat myself up

- hope yours was too x
Rosie, thanks - hope you've had a fab time lunching up in Glasgow!
Rach - Thanks hun, will be thinking of you moro x
Thanks M, things much clearer now thanks to you. You're a star!
Had a great weekend:
1) Haven't screamed at girls once
2) Caught up on quite a bit of reading for course
3) House looking half way decent - thanks to DD's (ok slight bribery involved ... if you want credit for your phones then ...)
4) Even diet wise - have done well too;
Yesterdays food:
B - Cereal (3), skimmed milk (1)
L - Bread roll (2) with ex ligh cheesespread (1.5)
D - Steak (4), mashed potato (2), lots of veg (0), gravy (1)
Snacks - WW icecream (1.5), tesco LC pretzels (1.5), WW tortillas (1)
Total - 17.5
B - Cereal (3), skimmed milk (1)
L - Oat so simple (golden syrup)(2), skimmed milk (0.5)
D - Chicken (3), mashed potato (2), lots of veg (0), gravy (1)
Snacks - Low fat digestive (1)
Total so far - 13.5 - lots left for snacks!!!
Funny how you can do this when you lift the pressure off of yourself isnt it!
Hope everyones had a fab weekend xxx