Thinking Thin!
Well done lady! Thats brilliant for week 8! xx
Okay, I have thought a lot about this over the past week, and have come to a final decision![]()
I have stayed 100% until now, but have quite frankly had enough of this diet. I don't want to fall off the wagon with an epic cheat (or even little cheats come to that!), and I am still very highly motivated to lose weight.
So, I have formulated a plan! After weigh in tomorrow I am going to follow the re-feed programme for one week. I ummed and arred through the week, what I would do following re-feed and seriously considered both Weight to Go and Slimming World. In the end felt neither were right for me at the moment though. So, I am going to do the following:
Breakfast: Lipotrim Shake
Mid Morning: Apple
Lunch: Lipotrim Shake
Snack: Home made soup (made up simply with just low carb veg and some veg stock)
Dinner: Chicken breast or fish and veg. (3 times a week on gym days I will add 4oz of cooked wholemeal pasta or 8oz baked sweet potatoe - lower GI than ordinary potatoe)
This all totals around 800 - 1,000 cals a day and is low carb (but not low enough for ketosis, which I don't want to be in anymore). I want to keep it lower in carbs as I know with my PCOS I lose weight better this way. I also am going to avoid to much fruit and stick mostly with veg, again due to insulin resistance and also because my sweet (including choc which is a small miracle) cravings have totally gone now. I don't want them back if I can help it! Need to try and keep my sugar levels stable![]()
So, that's the plan! I hope by coming off Lipotrim TFR in this considered way, I will be giving myself a fighting chance of losing more weight. I guess only time will tell, but I'm going to give it a good shot![]()