Back again
the weekend was full of temptations but i managed to look the other way!!!
friday night was a party with buffet, drinks & disco...
it wasn't so bad as the buffet was Veg & Vegan....(still onion bhaji & cheeses galore!!!)
i smuggled by litre bottle of water in so didn't have to pay for water from the bar (Tight? me?)
overall i did have this sense/feeling of smugness being able to watch (and sniff of course)
saturday morning was a bit of a killer as the last time these friends stayed over we went for breakfast at one of the Heston Blumenthal sponsered Little Chef's, which was pretty amazing but not this time they went off on their own and left me and the OH to have shakes!!!
to be fair to them i only found out after they had left that they were going there....
also had a visit to the parents and they had their obligatory maccies...which of course i had a good 'ol smell of!!
i have sneaked onto the scales again this morning and it looks like im at my next goal already (18st something) so fingers crossed for the wednesday weigh in
one thing i will add is that the first chicken soup i tried where i was completely disgusted i now have had a second one and i used less water in the mix and didn't add anything to it and it was a lot better, still not chicken soup as i remember but still palatable...i think i put too much curry powder in the first time...
best of luck to the weigh inners today (Helen & Vicky)