thanks guys for your wishes!!!
Sharron, all i do is take a picture from the front, side and back and then when i'm finished i'll bunch them all together with some sort of video editing software to make like a short movie clip from all the still photos
i have a camera set up on a tripod and the key is to stand in the same position for every shot and then you can line up the photos picking a constant point, say my eyes, and then link them all up
i'll then be left with a .avi or .mov file and then i can upload it to youtube!!!
i haven't taken them every single day as i first planned but still it should still give me the same effect as i was after
Once i come off LT TFR then i'll publish some of the still photos so everyone can see but I'm also going to carry it on after that to show (hopefully) firming and toning up after the weightloss
At the moment its not exactly a pretty picture but with some more determination and hard work afterwards it should be something worthwhile to show off!!! (not that i'm really a show off at all...)
after reading a few threads on here recently about all the negative people that surround us, it's now funny that the amount of comments i get saying that a) they didn't think it would work and how amazed they are and b) where do i get it from???
i still believe that a controlled diet and excercise regime is the best way to go about it but after my (our) results have shown LT is fantastic in the way that it gives you NO OPTIONS to over indulge and that why its worked for me!!!
as far as the exercise goes i've been doing 20 mins of mainly walking up a 4-5% incline with the odd stint of say 2-3 mins of running giving myself a 2/3 day break inbetween and thats been fine
when the weather finally get better and i'm off TFR then we'll start back on longer walks and dust off the bikes in the spring and go back to the 40/50 miles a week cycling and 15/20 miles walking, which sounds a lot but when you break it down isn't that much....we've got a few nice reservoirs by us where you have the choice between 7, 10, 17 & 24 miles to attack and we used cycle twice around the 7 or 10 after work and do the 17/24 once say every 3 months and we'd walk the 7 or 10 once of a weekend. There's also a country park less than a mile from the house which is 2 and a bit miles round so we'd do that if it was too windy or a bit rainy. Thanks to the treadmill though we can still get a workout in if the rubbish British weather is playing up!!
Today is my 50th day of TFR and i have only got 29 days left until i start to refeed so i'm already planning what i'm having for my first few meals leading up to my Birthday on the 26th Feb where i have a table booked at a nice restaurant in celebration!!!
all the best to all of you!!!