Hopefully Scrumbles won't mind me answering for her but I believe she's lost over 5 and a half stone in the last year low carbing! If you look at people's stats in the side bar on the website you can usually tell how they're doing.
I get those dreams too, but it's better to eat it in the dream than real life. Stay away from the choccie cake!
Not in the slightest!
And yes, this past year I've lost just over five and a half stone - 80lbs, to be precise - principally on Atkins. I've certainly had my ups and downs, but on the whole I'd say it's been good, and low carb has been far easier to adhere to for a long period than most other diets I've been on over the years (and there have been a few!).
ML is spot on about the sugar cravings, so all I'll add is that in my own experience, the cleaner you can eat during Induction the better, including going without artificial sweetener if you possibly can. The more you can re-train your palate in the early days to not want sweet things, the better in my view. That way, you'll start to notice and appreciate the natural sweetness of the foods that you
are allowed much more. If you absolutely need a sweet hit, then something like sugar-free jelly with a dash of cream or cocoa bark will help without throwing you off track.
Hope those carb cravings go soon
As for the period, low carb definitely messes with that for some people. The act of losing weight itself will do it too because fat cells contain estrogen which gets dumped in the process of the fat being used up, and that estrogen dump can affect the cycle.
That's as near as I can come to an explanation - someone else might be able to do better!