JB's Journey - will be a long one!

Wow, is one piece of choc cake enough to make you feel so bloated and yuck the next day? This is my 1st ever cheat, and it really wasnt worth it! Or is something else to blame? I dont get TOTM becuase of the pill i am on, so dont think its that. I feel so fat!
Gave into a chocolate biscuit :( No idea why, I dont even like them usually! What's that all about?

Rest of the day has been fine,

b - breakfast fritatta

l - chicken mayo & green salad

d - coleslaw, egg salad, pickled onion

snacks - corned beef slices, babybel, pork scrtchings
Carbs cause cravings. I'm afraid one slice of cake - even if you're lucky and have a really high carb tolerance level and don't come out of ketosis - that one cake slice is enough to spike your blood sugar and cause cravings for carbs for the next couple of days.

Your body is lazy. Burning carbs is easier for it and then it gets to store all your fat, which is what it really wants to do. Putting yourself on ketosis you are telling it that there are no carbs around so it eventually gets used to that and you'll stop craving (the ketoadaptation process takes about 4 weeks fully on plan).

But when you give your body a slice of cake you're telling it carbs are around again, and because it wants that nice easy lazy fuel it will try and push you to eat more.

Wheat is also very well known for being a huge bloat culprit.

Try and get all the choccy treats out of the house, or at least ask hubby to put them somewhere they're not going to distract you. You really need a good chance to get used to your new way of eating.
Ok, so Ive found another reason for the bloat - my first period in 12 years :confused: I have been on contraceptives that stop my periods, so havent had one in all that time. So weird - is it usual for this WOE?
Hopefully Scrumbles won't mind me answering for her but I believe she's lost over 5 and a half stone in the last year low carbing! If you look at people's stats in the side bar on the website you can usually tell how they're doing.

I get those dreams too, but it's better to eat it in the dream than real life. Stay away from the choccie cake!

Not in the slightest! :D

And yes, this past year I've lost just over five and a half stone - 80lbs, to be precise - principally on Atkins. I've certainly had my ups and downs, but on the whole I'd say it's been good, and low carb has been far easier to adhere to for a long period than most other diets I've been on over the years (and there have been a few!).

ML is spot on about the sugar cravings, so all I'll add is that in my own experience, the cleaner you can eat during Induction the better, including going without artificial sweetener if you possibly can. The more you can re-train your palate in the early days to not want sweet things, the better in my view. That way, you'll start to notice and appreciate the natural sweetness of the foods that you are allowed much more. If you absolutely need a sweet hit, then something like sugar-free jelly with a dash of cream or cocoa bark will help without throwing you off track.

Hope those carb cravings go soon :)

As for the period, low carb definitely messes with that for some people. The act of losing weight itself will do it too because fat cells contain estrogen which gets dumped in the process of the fat being used up, and that estrogen dump can affect the cycle.

That's as near as I can come to an explanation - someone else might be able to do better!
Well done Scrumbles, thats amazing! I have twice that amount to lose, so here's hoping I manage it :) Thanks for sharing yor knowledge, you guys rock in here :)

Breafast - 2 sausages & mayo

Lunch - Ate at Wetherspoons, shared a mixed grill with my son. He had teh chips & sausage, I had the salad & the meat. Yum!

Dinner - Will be a takeaway, my husband has been going on about getting one for ages. Ours do a roast platter, wich is spare ribs, roast chicken leg & char sui pork with mushrooms. Cant wait!
Do watch out - char Sui is a sweet BBQ sauce which will contain sugar and the spare ribs unless you order them totally plain will likely be dressed in a sugary glaze too - Chinese food is hard to negotiate, nearly every sauce and glaze has flour and/or sugar in. Personally when I have it I have crispy duck and throw the sauce and pancakes away - even then I wouldn't be surprised if there was something untoward on it to make the skin crisp so I haven't had it in a few months. Not trying to be a Debbie downer but takeaway food is always tricky with no nutrition labels etc.

Re: totm - scrummie is exactly right. Any diet where you lose weight fast will release extra estrogen into your body and often causes totm when you're starting out. Vlcd and low carb diets are particularly notorious for it because of their big initial losses.
Interesting about the estrogen! I didnt know that, dpesit emillions of years of dieting!

The chinese comes with a seperate sauce that I dont touch, all the meat is dry, so hopefully not too bad.
Breakfast - few ham slices
Lunch - smoked sausage & mayo
Snack - 5 KFC chips :( considering I managed to resist everything else while sitting in there, I am very proud of myself!
Dinner - probably be steak & zoodles
Really enjoyedthe "zoodles" so will probably have them again today! Ended up having belly pork instead of steak. Still bloated & sore from this unexpected period :(
Food has been good today, if a little cream-heavy. I dont have cream every day though, so hopefully wont be too bad.

B - scrambled egg with teaspoon cream & knob of butter

L - deli ham slices, babyleaf salad, coleslaw

S - pepperami, cup of cream of leek soup

D - steak, garlic prawns & zoodles

Belly pork & zoodles from yesterday, loved it!
Love the look of all your meals especially the coconut soup mmmmmm
Im off out for the day today, lunch at my brothers house as well as 2 train journeys. Have stocked up with pork scratchings & pepperamis to munch in case lunch is carb heavy!

B - salad leaves, coleslaw, chorizo
Lunch was cold chicken thinghs, cheese, half a ham roll & 2 crisps.

Snacks - pepperamis

Managed lunch at my brothers without too much damage. Going to have a kebab tonight.
Breakfast at 11 am - bacon, egg & mushrooms

Lunch - 2 frankfurters, fried onion & chorizo

Been a busy day today, doing a Xmas clearout of the kids rooms! Usually this makes me hungry & I keep stopping for snack breaks, but I didnt think about food or get hungry once. This is an amazing feeling for me, unheard of EVER in my life before. I am very pleased.