Hiya - Well back off the wagon again.... I need to have a few days of just SS and praps not have the SNS meals until I'm a bit more back on track. I think I have taken the small allowance of veg and protien and taken it as a license to eat.
Feeling a bit sorry for myself doesnt help either. Mr B came in last night and said "you feeling better today?" "Pardon?" "well you were a bit miserable last night" ME!!!! He was all tired and and a bit misog! Then read the paper through dinner! It has been all about him recently, his 40th, his lads weekend, gets back from the weekend and straight away has darts, he's been on lates so I've only seen him in passing and then the night of the tiredness he had a golf lesson... He seems to be able to get an early for that alright. anyway I've spent up on him, taken him out, been at home on my own and been just as busy at work. He's now at his parents (another whole issue) 'cos he has to go and watch footie every other weekend (not that I usually mind) and they live in Kent nearish the ground.
He said earlier - we need to have a housework day tomorrow. "Why" I say "all my jobs are done!" I've made a real effort as I'm usually a real slob. I've spent all of last weekend working, changing the bed vaxing the bedroom carpet etc and this week I've been keeping the bathroom and kitchen clean as I go along instead of it all building up! And done loads of ironing.... So he suggests a nice day out tomorrow... But I have to find something for us to do. May as well just stay in and do the garden... I always have to decide... Booooo
So today I've been to the allotment and dug over most of the potato patch. I found it quite hard and spent quite a while leaning on my spade instead of wealding it on the plot! I did keep up with my water and had a bar while I was there but i stopped on the way home to get mushrooms for Mr B to have for his brekkie tomorrow. He called and wanted beers.... :cry: I want WINE, or food or summat. So I bought steak (yeah steak again) and ate it with mushrooms and a bit of cheese on top... then I ate its pair.... I've just eaten some chocolate mint sticks too that I got for Xmas..... feel a bit sickly now.
Right plan for getting back on track.... Spend as little time on my own as possible.... Sunday will be easy as Mr B and I will be together all day and I just wouldnt cheat in front of him. Mondays are always good as I have a full day at work and then choir in the evening. I need to do this. I could be under 32 BMI nearly at the end of the month if I buckle down. Bugger... why am I so self desctructive. crap crap crap...

:cry: :sigh:
****PS: If you're still here - I applaud you for not dropping off in the tide of self pity. I really am just an a weak willed sh1t for brains with a lovely husband. I am just having a pity party.... so please ignore