It's unofficially on the internet

The official release date is next tuesday, but you can find it here:
Nickelback | Sympatico / MSN inMusic
It's the most amazing thing EVER

I'm still really excited about it, lol.
Emma, you have to have 50 posts to see my pics - get posting!
I've been to the doctor today because my periods have been haywire - two weeks ago I had one heavily for a week, then I had very light bleeding for a week and I've just started again properly today

He sent me away with a pregnancy test

but I have sneakily done my emergency test I keep next to my bed and it says I'm not pregnant

I have an ultrasound sometime this year, but I reckon its probably just something I may have to put up with
Also, I'm on the waiting list for counselling, so at some point in the next 6 months


I should start that.