Jenni's diary: Given up chocolate!

I'm on that :) No bad side effects for me. I'm going to stop taking it though as I was only on it for my skin. Hasn't done anything for it though! Don't like the pill as a contraceptive so if it ain't fixing my skin, it's ain't fixing my womb! I'll get the implant :)
Hi Jenni, just caught up with your diary. Sounds like you are managing to keep your weight pretty stable which is good.

The pill is a right nightmare sometimes....helps you to not get pregnant by making sure you are soooo moody that no man, wants to come near you - perfect!!!! Clearly invented by a bloke.

Glad you are getting sorted with something else. Hope it works out better for you.

I am with Lou - mirena coil all the way!
The pill is a right nightmare sometimes....helps you to not get pregnant by making sure you are soooo moody that no man, wants to come near you - perfect!!!! Clearly invented by a bloke.

:8855: I've been on the pill each time I got pregnant so I don't trust it anymore & yes, I took it 100% correctly. Having said that we were delighted as we had planned on having children, it was just the timing we didn't get to chose.
Yeah... I'm quite glad I have the implant too :rolleyes:

Apparently it has a lower failure rate than sterilisation :confused: which can only be a good thing, lol :)

Awww babe, sorry to see that your mood is set to sad..... if I weighed what you do I'd defo have my mood set to happy but it's not all about what the scales say is it?

Hope to see you happier soon xx
Oooh yes, I'm feeling better today - will change my mood in a bit :)
You've just reminded me to take my pill, too :rolleyes:

I'll be able to tell you in a few days whether Yasmin's any better, I'm hoping it will be though :)

Had an OKish day, was back at college, so meh.
First exam on Friday :eek:

Glad you're feeling better. Have a good nights rest. Good luck on your exams on Friday hun.
Urgh - back at too. Final year of MSc and I have that dreaded dissertation now - yuk..... We can do it tho eh? x
Hi, glad you're feeling a bit happier. Good luck with your exams x
Urgh - back at too. Final year of MSc and I have that dreaded dissertation now - yuk..... We can do it tho eh? x
What you doing at uni? :)

I almost cried this morning, but I'm OK now. :rolleyes:
Think I'm just going to be a bit weepy for a few days, nothing too bad.
No idea how much I weigh cause I didn't weigh myself this morning, eek, lol.

It's freeeezing in the house at the moment cause we're having our boiler changed :rolleyes:

Hi Jenni, glad you are feeling a little better

I am sure you will do brilliantly in your exam on Friday - are these your mocks? My sons are both doing theirs this month - poor wee souls - have to say they work harder than I ever did
Nope, it's the real thing :eek:

Not too fussed about the one on Friday, I have all tomorrow morning to revise for it, enough time to do 2 past papers, and it's a subject I know quite well - statistics.

Thats stats 1, and then in a few weeks I have stats 2, which is easy - we did a mock today and I completed the whole paper in an hour, giving me 30 mins to check it :rolleyes:

I'm more worried about my Chemistry resit next Friday, I've barely revised and haven't had a Chemistry lesson in months, so it's all gone out of my head :rolleyes:

Then I have Core 3, which might be a problem because we haven't done some of the work (though it's really easy and I've basically taught myself the last 2 chapters by reading through them, once.)

Then Further Pure 4, which is another one I'm worried about - less so since I did some actual revision over Christmas, but it's all scary vectors and matrices and 'if a x b = 0, what does that mean?' sorta thing, which I had no idea about because I missed a lot of it when I was ill. Eeek.
Further Pure 4 is very similar to what my brother is doing in his 2nd year of his Physics degree - just to give you an idea of how difficult it is :rolleyes:

Scary stuff. But me having so many exams now, means I can really concentrate on my Physics in June, because I'm worried I might not get an A in it, I've been struggling a bit this year :cool:
Like, my boyfriend seems to understand more of it than I do.
Maybe it's less maths-based this year or something, hmm.

Woo, long rant, lol.

Blimey - all sounds very complex and a bit too scary for my liking.

How come the exams are so early? Are these your A levels or AS level?

I could never engage with maths - couldn't see what I would use it for since I knew I didn't want to do anything for a living where I would have to care what vectors etc are - more of an English Lit sort of chick, me.
Blimey - all sounds very complex and a bit too scary for my liking.

How come the exams are so early? Are these your A levels or AS level?

I could never engage with maths - couldn't see what I would use it for since I knew I didn't want to do anything for a living where I would have to care what vectors etc are - more of an English Lit sort of chick, me.

A levels are mostly modular now, and there's 2 exam seasons - January and June.

I've got no idea what I'm going to use a degree in maths for, lol.
I suppose I'll find out at the end of uni :rolleyes:
I was considering asking to move onto Maths and Computer Science, if I ask early enough they might let me, lol :)

Everyone always assumes I'm really clever because I get As in maths/further maths without trying - but I'm actually just very good at maths ;)
I failed my art GCSE, and my PE GCSE :p

Ah, I see.

I knew it must have moved on since I was at school

Would you still be using an abacus then? ;)

LOL, I have a fancy graphical calculator, it draws graphs and calculates complicated stuff, and you can store programs in it - I have a WW calculator programmed in :p

Keisha said:
Hope your having a lovely evening

Yep :D I have it all to myself, and I've caught up on all my Hollyoaks :p

Anyone been watching the Paul McKenna programmes on Sky/Living?
Holy cr*p, I watched the one on cravings and tried the thing he said, well, I was having a hot chocolate and wanted a biscuit, so I did the thing (can't really explain it lol) and suddenly - well, the biscuit was still there, but I didn't *need* to have it, so I didn't :)
I didn't finish my hot chocolate either :p

Having said that, I ate 2 slices of cake earlier so I don't have high hopes for tomorrow :p

i did want to see them but forgot to sky+ them.. everyone says hes really good though.. tempted to get his books for a nose.. might just library them though.. cheaper!

hows things going anyway? are you back on the straight and narrow? x