Ohmigod - this morning I was 9st 4

Of course, after the candy floss tonight I'll be 9st 5 tomorrow, but still.
I just had a bit of a thought, I realised how well WW is working for me (much better than the higher plans on CD) and my goal of 9st by Christmas is looking very achievable
When I joined WW I thought, well, this may well not work since I found it VERY difficult to get below 10 stone and stay there! But it (and tonsillitis) has worked fantastically

and I'm really happy with it, I really look forward to maintaining with WW too

I love the points system.
Then when I get to 9st, I have to decide if I want to lose more weight or not. I'll probably lose a few more lbs in preparation for Christmas, and see if I prefer being that weight, and if not then I won't go back to it after Christmas
And, I just realised, 9st 4 is my 10%

Though my WI is on an evening, so I prob won't be 9st 4 at my WI.
I'm hoping for 9st 5-6 though
I'm going to cut down to 16 points this weekend, I sooo want those scales to say 9st 5-6 on Monday!
Then I can have a treat (maybe a WHOLE choc bar

) and spend the rest of the week working it off