See, that was my problem exactly
Though they have 'perked up' a little bit
Well, this week I have lost....
Oh yes.
Though 1-2 lbs of it are probably from last week, but still, I'm happy with that
Which, while we are on the subject of body parts, i have a FLAT BUM! I want a bum! No fairx
Karenlou said:Sorry didn't see your post last night as I was out! Your sister's probably had her interview by now. Which Trust was the interview for? Our Trust really struggles to get good admin staff so hope she does well x
I got some sainsbury's diet coke today, also no aspartame, so I shall try some later.
9st 2.6 again this morning
If I'm good, I should be 9st 3-4 at my meeting, which means I get my 10% and my first stone tooyay.
And another...
8. That I can have a hot chocolate AND a cookie for ONE point!
Oh yes.