day 7 and what a difference sleep can make, I woke up this morning feeling back to my normal self, weighed myself and I'm 12 stone 2lbs

over the moon as how fast I have lost 6lbs. when I was on VLCD I was really struggling to get below 12 stone 6/7lbs, I know that I was cheating a little but the scales wouldnt shift, feels good to almost be out of the 12s. It will be the last time that I see the 12s as I am fully committed to a healthy body, I never want to feel fat and unhealthy again. I was thinking yesterday that I dont really feel fat anymore, which is crazy as I have felt fat pretty much my whole life. in fact I felt fat when I weighed 9 stone when I was 21, when I look back at the pictures I was so skinny, too skinny and would never want to be that thin again, I looked ill but at the time thought I was massive!! yesterday I wore a size 12 maxi dress and size 12 jacket, I went to the fair with my hubby and the kids and actually asked him to take pictures of my with the kids, usually I take all the pictures, its amazing how losing weight can seriously alter your confidence. day 7 on attack today, I think its probably recommended that I switch to phase 2 from tomorrow, unless others think it would be ok to stick it out for another few days? So yeah, I am feeling really good. Older kids back at school today so I am looking forward to spending some quality time with my little boy. Have a good day all x x