Jennys Atkins Journey


Stes gone out...its very rare...Ive been left in the house alone with kids easter eggs and chocolate fairy cakes my mum in law brought round for my daughters Birthday party on saturday.......
Anyway just stood in kitchen picking up cake putting it down...... Ive shut the kitchen door and Im now on my laptop hiding from the cake. I cant wait for Ste to come home..
Dont do it, be strong Jenny, Nooooooooooooooooooooo
Thanks...Im going keep away from these evil things.....
Im hiding clinging to my laptop
Yep, keep out of the Kitchen!!
Stes home now...he'll guard them
Well done, I was going to give you a rep point but it wouldn't let me Jenny.
Well done Jenny for staying away from the evil cakes. I'll give you rep for it!
Thanks for the rep....
and the help... I kept away from them

I went to the Trafford centre with Ste and we went out for food...I was dreading it on the way but I stayed strong....walking around the food court ste was listing of all the food we were passing with me going no cant have cant have that....evil carbs lol...
In the end we went upstairs and I dragged him around the bars and restaurants reading the menus from outside lol
I found a bar that had things I could eat but not all on one dish lol
in the end I had Gammon and eggs...asked them not to put the chips on so they gave me lettuce and cucumber.... I think that was a successful trip out...

Must say Ive had a day of headaches and feeling really whozzie...
Im hoping this is just my body detoxing of the sugar and bad carbs I used to eat...dont think it had chance to last week coz I was naughty fri to mon...
Is it normal to feel so faint and headachey

The dizzy spells...headaches and feeling faint is really getting me down...
Ive not really lost weight this week but Ive stayed a very good girl this week...
Ive got the dreaded TOTM so I wonder whether thats whats making me feel bad this week???
That doesn't sound great, may'be see the doctor?
Jenny, you any better this morning? I had headaches and stuff early on, but dizzy spells is worrying. :(
Not really still feeling yuck....
The dreaded TOTM did that to me when I was on LighterLife too. Most of the time I was bouncing off the walls with energy and then the visitor arrived and I felt like a big bus had run me over.

Hope you feel better soon. Maybe go have blood pressure checked?

Im sure its just totm... Im just loosing'd think the way Im behaving id been on Atkins forever but I havent its only a week properly and two weeks in total...guess I was just hoping for miracles and all im getting is a headache no loss :(
AH!! Atkins Flue?
Atkins flu???

If you say so maybe.... what ever it is its like the headaches you get when you havent eaten...and that sick faint feeling when you havent eaten all day....only i have eaten
I hadn't thought you were so new on the diet Jenny. I felt positively ill for about 4 days at the end of my 2nd or 3rd week. I felt cold, had no energy and positively weak. They say it's caused by the body having to turn from burning sugars for energy to having to use fat instead.

See This

and once it is over, boy does life become good :)
That it does, I've never had so much energy.