Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

Here, missus, while you are on....when are you about at the weekend.

I know you are working Friday night - what about Sat/Sun days or evening Sat. xx
Im night shift all weekend. This having to work is crap lol

Afternoons are out as Ill be asleep but I could do evenings but would need to leave by 2145
Hope you're feeling better soon x
sorry posted full story on jens in hospital thread
HERE IT IS! ah wow, you are all amazing! Just on briefly as on mega strong pain killers which knock me out! So will be sound asleep again in a few mins no doubt!
I began feeling a little ill about half two, bit sick and generally a bit weird, then felt like I was about to pass out so asked the student to dismiss the kids and I hid in the toilet till they were gone, then I was literally crawling around the floor, soaking from sweat unable to breath! Was so scary! I dont remember much else, all the staff were around me holding my hand apparently...dont remember! lol! I just remember the ambulance man arriving and calling me Jenny and I no its jen! He hooked me up to ECG in classroom and did blood pressure and stuff and oxygen. Then I got to the ambulance to get a morphine drip but my skin had turned a funny colour so they couldnt get it in (not the time for jokes Rosie!) so I got gas and air instead...actually amazing stuff! I felt so drunk!! The ambulance man had Buzz written on him uniform so I stated saying...are you buzz light year?? is that woody light year...youre a legend man! ohh god! I think I should write them a letter to apologise! Then take that came on the radio in the ambulance and I started saying ah yeah take that turn it up!! So they turned it right up! So instead of the nea naws we had patience blaring out! lol
Got to hospital and had ECG again all the other tests, x rays etc and they couldnt find out what was wrong with me! I just wish they could have said ah its this and here are some pills or something, but nah! So have to keep taking my mentally strong pain killers and if it happens again I go straight in! Thank you all so much for your kind words and love. I was taken aback by the staff last night and all their messages and now I am taken a back from you! So nice to know people care! Thank you thank you thank you! back to bed for Miss Watson now!
Hi Jen glad your back home ....v wierd they gave you pain killers but they don't know what it is! Lets just hope it was a one off - hope your back to your normal self soon x
Hi Jen

Speedy recovery, what a scare you must have got!!! Hope you're ok now and you have no more episodes like that one again!!

OMG how scary! Hope you're 100% back to your normal self real soon. *Big hugs*
*many hugs* hope you're all better soon! you dont half get yourself into some scrapes dontcha?

take care of yourself xxx
Sounds very frightening hun, hope you make a speedy recovery x
Glad you are back on your feet, angel - albeit very wobbly feet - sounds like a scary incident - hope to still be able to see you at the weekend...I will bring you some lucozade. xx
Hello! Thank you all for such kind messages again! I have been to the doctor and have an answer!!
I have oesopagel reflux disease apparently. This is because I have changed my eating habits and lost so much so quickly my body is reacting. He said my previous diet required my stomach to produce a lot of acid to cope with the food I was eating, it is still producing too much to cope with the healthy stuff so pushing it up into my food pipe. This builds up and eventually causes food pipe to go into spasm which results in MENTAL back pain and inflammation. I have pills to take everyday for the next couple of months but he said as my body realises that weight watchers is the way of the future it will stop producing so much acid and everything will be fine. I am so glad just to have an answer really and hope that none of you go through this as its agony! Hopefully with preventative medicine it wont happen again tho! :D
Awww hun - I am so pleased you got a diagnosis in the end and I bet you are too! Hope the tablets work for ya and that it resolves itself soon xxx
What a relief! Glad you have a diagnosis, it must make dealing with the pain so much easier.

Hope you are back to your 'normal' self real soon:D
Why is normal in inverted commas!! Are you implying that I am never really normal??? lol! :D Thank you, yes such a relief!
OMG Jen, that must have been so scary! Glad you've found out what caused it - hope you don't have a recurrence.

Keep taking the drugs x