Hi Jen. Well done on the 1.5 off - you're doing amazingly well!
Sorry to see you seem to be having a recurrence. Hope it sorts itself out and doesn't mean another trip to hospital! Are you following a fat free diet? I used to be in agony if I ate anything even a little fatty after my op x
Yeah will mean another trip to see old Valdamir my surgeon! lol! If there is a stone that is, I may have just over done it going back to work so soon. Still following WW and am pretty strict with myself, it was when I had the chinese that I was in a lot of pain that night and the next day, tummy still sore from it! How long could you not eat anything fatty for?
Don't worry about your kids, it's only 2 weeks

You won't be much good to them if you're in pain. Get better! Poor you though, what bad luck. Hope it doesn't involve another op.
Thanks Jess, I cant believe how much I miss work! one of the girls texted yesterday to say they have put a bag with a pic of me and Chloe on it on my chair so its as if I am still there...wee bit freaky but nice! lol!
Im SO glad you got it checked out. If the doctor says staff off - stay off, your wee class will still be there when you get back.
Let me know when youre wanting some FF Hugs this week xx
Always avaliable for FF hugs! I do like a cuddle!
ooh - thats not so good - best to do what doc says though - don't wanna be doing anything to make it worse xx
Hope it sorts itself soon - take care x
Yeah, he was quite shocked I had gone back to work in the first place! He assumed that I was still off..oops! Teacher guilt takes over! lol! Thank you angel xx
Sorry to hear you've been in pain again hun, that's no blooming good. You'll have to do as you're told though otherwise you might end up having to have even more time away from the cherrubs and that will be even worse.
I hope you feel better soon and congrats again on the fab wl.
Thank you, youre totally right, 2 weeks now could save 2 months later on! Just not so good at being off work! Sounds so silly but I really dont like being off! I keep thinking ..oh its maths time...oh time for topic! I need to switch off! Perhaps Diagnosis Murder will do that for me! lol
You look amazing in that photo, sorry you've not been too well, fingers crossed it gets sorted quickly for you.
Thanks angel, that was taken when I was half a stone heavier too!! woo!! lol! I got into size 14 jeans the other day which was very exciting! They were reduced too which added another wee silver lining to the cloud! lol!
You've gone quiet Miss Watson..I'm worried are you OK?
Sorry M, Miss Watson has been taking rather strong cocodomal and appears to be asleep for 23 out of 24 hours a day! lol! I am trying not to take them today, been watching Corrie, dont want to be an addict!!
Feeling much better tho, tummy just sore when I do anything involving tummy muscles, then I get pain round my belly button

Other pain has gone and just comes back briefly when I eat so thats good!
Hope you're feeling better soon!

Thank you!! I am getting a little better each day! back to normal in no time! lol
I've just noticed you've put W.I. 51 twice which means you've actually done 52 W.Is.. That's a year you've been doing it!

That is such a massive achievement, well done! I can't think of any times where you fell off the wagon or anything.
Oh well spotted!! I was moaning to S that she hadnt noticed that it was my one year anniversery but I guess she now has an excuse! lol! cant believe its been a year!! Such a fast year! Seems just the other day I was crying in the toilets on the xmas night out cause the place only sold burgers! Was convinced if I had a burger I would go back up to 17 stone! lol!