Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

Hey Jen, welcome to the monday-crew!!! Blimey a teacher that is at home eating brekkie at 8.30!!!
This will sound quite sad.... but there is about 5 of us who go in dead early so we can all eat our oats so simple together at half eight in the the staff room!....people call us losers, but I feel that is unfair! ha ha!
This will sound quite sad.... but there is about 5 of us who go in dead early so we can all eat our oats so simple together at half eight in the the staff room!....people call us losers, but I feel that is unfair! ha ha!
:rotflmao: are all staffrooms in schools the same then - that happens at OH's school and I do it too occasionally - tis the only time of the day we get to talk (non shop) :D
Yeah defo! you need to get a good bit of gossip in first thing! lol
Welcome to the Monday club hun. Goodluck for tomorrow.

BTW, you are no loser! :D
Welcome to the Monday club hun. Goodluck for tomorrow.

BTW, you are no loser! :D

Thank you so much! I feel like giving you a big cuddle for saying that!! Shall send a virtual one!! Was just feeling a bit low, watching desperate housewives with my wee microwavable bunny and your comment cheered me up!! Thank you!!!
Gotta stop eating, I dont want to let the MOnday Club down!! Have complete munchies tonight!!
Hope WI went well and that you found out juicy gossip while you were eating your Oats so simple! lol. Now i have an idea what the teachers in my old school used to get upto;) x
hope your second WI went well :D x
May have to go back to the sunday weigh in!! lol!! My mornings are so less paniced in my head!! lol! Slept in, woke up at 8ish, jumped on scales (4.11 now???) Still no sign of no 2 tho, been 2 days so getting a little worried where it is, perhaps should phone a missing persons line or something?? lol
lol. take some dulcolax hon. well done on the 1lb - i'd have gone with what the scales gave you yesterday tho ;)

Youre right, its be bothering me greatly! I am! 1lb gain shall be recorded instead! Such a weird week! I blame the exercise! First week I have bothered doing any! lol!
Oh sorry!! I thought you meant go with the intial way face facts Jen, you put on 1lb!lol
I am liking your thinking, 14 9 sounds much better! lol!
I am thinking 1lb gain is quite a cool club to be in!!!
I have been thinking about it all day! Whats this pill youre on about? Is that an over the counter thing? Will that make me poo for it something I should NOT be taking before school???
Hey Jen, I am glad my comment cheered you up :D You are doing so well on WW and you are getting closer to goal. I have trouble with #2s too and they mess up my WIs sometimes. Mine tend to go AWOL for 4-5 days sometimes :/

Well done on the 1lb :)
lol, no 2 are a right pain in the bum!! ha ha!! Ah I am sooo funny! :|
I am taking the 1lb gain as I think it will make me SOOOOO focused for next week! I am also sticking with Sunday weigh because I will miss running through to post results on here after weigh in, noway I will have time on a Monday morning!! ha ha!!
I'm confused - its easily done to be fair.

Wk 13 you have 14st 11 as your weight - is this wk 14 for you - if so, is that not a sts then? or a 1lb loss over wk12

Or am I just going mad with all this talk of number 2's
Rosie you've learnt a valuable lesson.. do not send your kids to Jen's school! LOL :D she'll confuddle them all!

just kidding Jen ;) x