Hope you have a great party,would loved to have come,but its just all the flights hotels and getting from airport x
Hope you manage to make it!! I am sure you there will be people looking to share rooms and stuff too which will make it a bit cheaper!
Morning Jen
Bummer about the oatcakes esecially as you hated them. Which on of you has the birthday on March 10th as thats Pa's birthday should I send him along?
My birthday is the 10th and would love to meet a fellow tenther!! ha ha! you should def send him along!
Haha - sorry - the oatcakes thing is quite funny in a way - I can just imagine you sitting there munching - thinking yummy, these floor tasting treats are so good for me! BUMMER!
x x x x
Ah I was so upset!! Couldnt believe it!! Everyone was laughing thinking I was just joking but I wasnt!! I was really gutted!! 19 weeks I have been eating those dry minging biscuits!!! 19 WEEKS!!!!! lol
OMG It wasnt the glitter??? How can that be??? It certainly wasn't oatcakes with me - cant bare them!
Take care xxx
I think I was harsh with my previous comment...the glitter is by no means innocent!c
Hi lovely - just popping by to see if there were any updates - but sadly, not yet.
Will come by later and find out how your day was. Hope the little angels have not done you in....oh, just remembered that you are off on a shopping trip with Sandy - is that tonight? If so, be careful out there....
Hello angel!! Very quick update as I am eating my tea at the mo whilst posting!! Have to pick sandy up soon and have already delayed her so dont want to be late for her too! lol!!
I had a lovely day!! I got 4 little pictures from the kids which I put into the files away in my special silver container....which the cleaner removes each evening to put into the special picture valut!

ha ha!! I tutor a wee boy on a Tues and Wed so am always shattered by the end of the day!! Its good tho, cause its a wee bit extra cash! always handy when youre addicted to Frankie and Bennys! lol!
Diet wise I was as close to amazing as you can be! lol! Turned down chocolate cake, quality street and shortbread all in the space of 24 mins! lol! I wish people would stop asking me!!!! Its just rude!! Today Ive had
Oats so simple with skimmed milk - 3 points
half a pack of WW pate - 1.5 points
6 melba toasts - 1 point
WW Mini Chedders - 1 point
Tangarine - .5
for tea I am having a chicken and broccoli thing - 5.5 points
and may have a little WW brownie for desert - 2 points
Thats 14.5 points for the day so have to have something later, i am on 23 a day!
I have a little pack of hula hoops in the cuboard which are only 2 points so may have them too! lol!!
Hope everyone is healthy and happy!!