Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

Hope you have a good night getting slaughtered Jen. Let's see the
hair do then

Karen x
Always thinking M! Got to get what you want out of life! good week, just been to get my hair cut tho and its far too short and got my eyebrows done at the same time and they are red raw! Meant to be leaving in 20 mins and no amount of concealer can save me!! Going to get slaughtered!
Quick get pics of the new hairdo up! As far as the eyebrows are concerned I've been there and worn the Tshirt so many times!

OH no, I realise Ultravox may be a huge disappointment after Bingo but I am prepared for it and will not moan too much! Have been busy learning the songs so I dont look like an idiot! You should come to the Glasgow show! :)

Would love to but I think its easter weekend and if so am busy have a birthday party to arrange :sigh: Hope your WI went well :)
Jen man, get up you lazy moose and post your WI result! :p I'm waiting!!!!
Yeah S, book the tickets! Well I have been woken up from my peaceful sleep to be weighed by old john craven. Results are good tho! I am finally in the 13s! :D:D:D:D! 13stone 12lbs so a 2lb loss! Am delighted! Although turned down another buffet and freaking birthday cake last actual machine! :D ha ha!Will try to find usb to put up hair do! :D
Well done Jen :) bet you're feeling amazing! You're doing so well hehe! Turning down birthday cakes and buffets! That's will power for ya!! :) x
power of the gladiators sarah...power of the glads! (my name was unicorn in my little gladiator dreams...the power of the horn!)
Hi Jen

Well done you on reaching 13st there was no doubt you wouldn't do it soon, especially with the power of the horn!!!!:D

Woop woop! Well done on making it into the 13s Jen - I'm so jealous.

Thanks for the reminder about Ultravox - I must bully my oh into getting that sorted!

Jax, you going to Nottingham Arena - so will we if you want to meet up for a drink beforehand x
:happy096: Well done you! Fantastic willpower avoiding buffet and bday cake!

Thanks for the reminder about Ultravox - I must bully my oh into getting that sorted!

Jax, you going to Nottingham Arena - so will we if you want to meet up for a drink beforehand x
Am hoping OH will get tickets and if so it prob will be - certainly the nearest from here. Will let you know :D
eh you cheeky horse - am younger than YEE! :p Old... bah humbug!

well done on your 2lbs though.. cant believe you turned down buffet and cake! what willpower?!


you no longer need this sign then...


This is my new hair do! :)


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As I said yesterday, I love it, love it, love it... It really suits you.

Sorry that I didn't post your pic last night - I have absolutely no idea how to do that!!! You choose the most technologically illiterate person possible.

Great news on your 2lbs and especially well done on the 13's milestone. Fading away before our very eyes you are. And the willpower is amazing....

See you next week then. Is it bingo and food? Do you know any times for bingo? We sure know how to live...

And Sandy, you'd sell your soul to the devil you would :D Bingo for ultravox tickets - I ask you. xx