Jen's Diary - 3lb down :)

That post made my mum laugh so well done ;)

Not seen much twittering going on today madam.... can you tell Im bored??
I am in the mood to eat loads of crap! :p HELP!

Step away from the kitchen Jen. Once you eat it you'll be full of guilt. Not worth it! Good at the time but it passes and all you're left with is a mound of guilt 'n a fat ass. Moving on....... go clean the shower. :)
That post made my mum laugh so well done ;)

Not seen much twittering going on today madam.... can you tell Im bored??

Are you up at your mums just now? Say hi! Tell her I am coming round for tea and toast! I am so hungry! No idea if I have any points left or not...sure i dont...but if I dont know if I do or not does that mean that I do??

Step away from the kitchen Jen. Once you eat it you'll be full of guilt. Not worth it! Good at the time but it passes and all you're left with is a mound of guilt 'n a fat ass. Moving on....... go clean the shower. :)
:wave_cry: bye bye kitchen :( just a wee snickers and extra large pizza would go down a treat just now! Why am I so hungry!!
Are you up at your mums just now? Say hi! Tell her I am coming round for tea and toast! I am so hungry! No idea if I have any points left or not...sure i dont...but if I dont know if I do or not does that mean that I do??

Was out with Lorna this afternoon came down for dinner and am staying over. Watching Emma & Ciara in the morning while mum & Stuart go to the lawyers.

Ill tell her to put the kettle on ;)
Are you up at your mums just now? Say hi! Tell her I am coming round for tea and toast! I am so hungry! No idea if I have any points left or not...sure i dont...but if I dont know if I do or not does that mean that I do??

:wave_cry: bye bye kitchen :( just a wee snickers and extra large pizza would go down a treat just now! Why am I so hungry!!

It'll be the worms!! Go drink a massive glass of water, grab a duster, clean under the bed, then unpair all your socks and then re-pair them, then clean all your windows and mirrors! (E-cloths are great!) and you'll have built up a wee sweat and the last thing you want when you've done a wee bit exercise is grub. Just keep thinking....... smaller bum, flatter tum, smaller bum, flatter tum.

I think I will just sleep, always good to sleep cause you cant eat! cant wait for tomorrow! 22 points!! Going to eat LOADS! wish you would just come round and clean my flat! I will make you a cup of tea and a nice WW cookie!! I hate cleaning so much :(
Bet you go to Starlights Mum's house 'n have tea 'n toast! Ya bugger! :D

Go to bed! Haha. Or Asda.....
oh Asda.. could go to asda, have ran out of benefiber so that would be handy to have for the morning!! Good Idea!!
Stay away from the snickers and pizza then! ;)
Summerston have mac and cheese, will grab you some tomorrow honey! going to go to clydebank so can get you it there if worst comes to worst xx
Will be rubbish without!!
Well done Jen - another 2 lbs is brill!
I think I will just sleep, always good to sleep cause you cant eat! cant wait for tomorrow! 22 points!! Going to eat LOADS! wish you would just come round and clean my flat! I will make you a cup of tea and a nice WW cookie!! I hate cleaning so much :(

Clean your flat? Ahem, last time I checked my name was Sherry, not Kim or Aggie!! Haha. Good try but the weight watchers cookies leave a film on the roof of my mouth - eww, like plastic! They'e minging! So your cunning plan of bribery and cookies failed - nae luck!

Haha. xx
dam it!! Thought the cookie plan was flawless!! Now very exciting news!! the Benefiber is reduced in Tesco, half price!! Offer is on till 7th march! I have bought 4 big tubs!! :D
dam it!! Thought the cookie plan was flawless!! Now very exciting news!! the Benefiber is reduced in Tesco, half price!! Offer is on till 7th march! I have bought 4 big tubs!! :D


ps - jobbie no.3 this am! woop woop!
woo hoo!!! Its great stuff!! I have just had morning cup of benefiber tea! :) its so easy to take, especially when you drink as much tea as I do! lol