Still working, I'm afraid... but thought I'd post food for today as I know once I get this work out, I'm heading to bed!!
Did a 2nd PP today as I'm going out for lunch manana, so nothing too exciting!:
B=1xegg, 2xegg whites, turkey, quark (only ate about 2/3)
L=same as yesterday... lean mince burger, 1xsmall chicken breast, 1/2 cube beef bouillion
D=250g prawns, 1/3 tin tuna, 1tsp cornstarch, 1/2 cube chicken bouillion, 1/2 small onion.
Snacks = probably one pot total of Mueller Light (vanilla & toffee - was just nipping at tubs); 1xgallette; handful of turkey strips; 2x wafter thin turkey ham
That's me for today. Did NO real exercise as my legs were shattered. Planning Yoga for 30 mins in a.m. and then 45 mins of Step, so I'll make up for it then

Hope you all are doing well!