Pleased to report another move today so I'm officially now down 17.5lbs in less than 4 weeks!!

I couldn't more pleased with that.
I was presented a challenge yesterday in that I got a last minute-invite to a charity dinner (1st "set" meal that I'd be having.) I knew I couldn't be absolutely perfect as I wouldn't ask the event organisers to ensure my food was cooked with no oil! But I was lucky in that the starter was a salmon terrinne (avoided sauce) and the main was a filet mignon (again avoided sauce) and both dishes had beets which I allowed myself. I did skip the starchier veg (carrots, parsnips, etc. as I already felt I was overdoing it a bit). I also didn't work out yesterday so I didn't want to run the risk of screwing anything up.
Plan for today is do another PP as my hubby is going to a charity dinner himself tonight and so I can sort my own meal. Then we have a ball to go to tomorrow and I'm hoping for a menu similar to yesterday

! I wil do same as I did last night though - grabbed a gallette and yogurt to sit on my tum before going out. Did the trick.
Having a small very lean steak just now and one egg as I'm going to Step class soon and I struggled last week as I didn't have any energy (because of little food!) Definitely getting my iron in! Will lay off the red meats again, but since I've eaten fish/prawns nearly every night for tea, I figured I was okay.
As for next week, I'm going to have to rethink the 4xPP days and then weekend of PV. I was feeling pretty uninspired this week and I'm concerned as next week is a time for me which in which I usually have "cravings" - sure you catch my drift. Will see how I get on this weekend & decide Sunday.
Bit of an exercise fiend just now - have Step and/or Zumba booked 5x this week and I'm actually excited for it... already bopping around with 17lbs less has made a HUGE difference.
Thanks again for all your support -it really helps! I wish you all super-success and a fabby weekend!