Hellooooooooooooooooo everyone - have just got 10 mins before HB needs to go to bed for work and my pc is temporarily for tonight in our room as the men are coming to replace my spare room floor tomorrow YYYIIIIIPEEEE, Things are slowly coming together which Im pleased about.
School shopping was a bluddy nightmare - spent a flippin fortune and the kids really have no idea or appreciation and mucked around the whole time!
Have done quite a few things over the weekend and kept decluttering.
I had a list as long as my arm this morning of things I NEED to do this week with being off and managed to get some of them done today luckily.
Diet wise - WELL................... On the down side I havent been exactly sticking to plan and I could come up with every excuse in the book, but there would be no point really in that yes I have been under stress had horrendous PMT etc etc etc - but everyone else has that and doesnt turn to food!
I have been to see my CDC tonight and she was ace. She helped me really take on board that I am the only one responsible for my being in control and yes I am in control and I control everything I do etc and I should have to live with the consequences etc etc. which I have always known but the rebel in me just wants to eat what I want, when I want and how and if I want to - unfortunately it is usually crappy food as oppposed to healthy that I want.
Anyway on the up side looking back at my charts (cos I'm a saddo daily weigher) for the 5 weeks of the summer holidays I have actually managed to maintain within about 2lbs in that it would be up one week and then down the next and I have done this by curbing my eating or indulging the craving - so I have proved to myself that I can actually maintain I just need to do it 2st - 3st lighter and with healthier food.
I have been managing to use the pause (sometimes) and also another big thing for me stopping when I am full rather than feeling like I have to clear my plate and I have also been using a smaller plate so I feel like Im having more.
Ive also made a chart that KD suggested of doing a chain and mine is for 50 days and the aim is to be 100% for 50 days which will take me to my hospital appointment and then I will do another one which will see me through to my birthday and then it will only be 4 weeks till xmas!!!!!!
My overall aim now is going to be to be in healthy weight range for xmas so Ive got to get 2st off which on 1500 should be doable in the time.
Tomorrow Im going to go back and read my original diary to give myself the kick up the bum I need to get me to and keep me on track.
I'm aiming on doing a daily diary entry again aswell as that kept me in check last time.
sorry I dont have time to reply on all your diaries tonight as HB now wanting sleep but I hope you are all okay and I will be around tomorrow.
p.s. pics of my new downstairs loo!!!