Gold Member
everything sounds amazing Jess
totally agree on the waste of money on a car - my friends just forked out about 2 grand for hers and theyre ugly to boot 
if you're ill, i swear down - get kleenex anti-viral tissues. theyre expensive but theyre really worth the money. I wont be without them if i get ill now! I've had the same stuff as you recently - sinus decongestants will help you with the ears thing - i felt like i had water in them for days but the sinus tablets cleared me up quite fast
if you're ill, i swear down - get kleenex anti-viral tissues. theyre expensive but theyre really worth the money. I wont be without them if i get ill now! I've had the same stuff as you recently - sinus decongestants will help you with the ears thing - i felt like i had water in them for days but the sinus tablets cleared me up quite fast